Water in fuel


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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On my trip home from North Carolina this weekend I had something happen to me during preflight that has never occured to me before. That is when I was sumping fuel I got a big blob of water in the jar. I noticed it right way and dumped the fuel and resumped all the tanks. Sure enough the left tank had water in it. So I sumped some more out and eventually got to where there was no water coming out.

The plane had been parked out all week and there were rain storms during that week. I had just replaced the gas cap seals a month and a half ago during annual. I did not notice any more water in the fuel the rest of the day.

Any ideas? Just a little seepage due to being parked out side? BTW the total amount of water in the fuel was probably only about 5 ounces. But that is more than I have ever seen.
It strikes me as odd that only one tank had water in it. Perhaps the cap on that side is not seating well? :dunno:
Interesting, IIRC the later model PA28's have the umbrella style caps too...if it were me I would have to do a double check that the gasket/seals are the correct ones.

Len Lanetti said:
Interesting, IIRC the later model PA28's have the umbrella style caps too...if it were me I would have to do a double check that the gasket/seals are the correct ones.

It happened to me on a PA-28 with the umbrella caps. The plane was just out of annual, too, and the gaskets were replaced. Parked outside, lots of rain that week. The FBO's A&P was walking past, he inspected the offending cap, bent the ears that create the pressure against the gasket a tad, and the problem was solved.

Handy things, those A&Ps that make tiedown calls....;)

I've found water a few times after the plane was outside during heavy rains. Once after the plane was outside in a deluge in Cedar Rapids while we spent a few nights in Amana, I found water in the fuel tester in the sidewall pocket INSIDE THE PLANE!

I once got a full sample of water in the tester. I noticed something was strange because there was a lot of dirt floating in the tube. You have to sniff and touch to make sure you have fuel and not water. After that I got a tester from Sporty's that has a ball in it that will float on water, but not on gasoline. You see the ball floating, you have trouble. http://www.sportys.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&did=19&product_id=1276
It floated when I had that little bit of rain water in the tip tank a few weeks ago.

Remember you need to drain a LOT of fuel. At one FAA seminar they said they tested and recommended that you drain at least 10 ounces at each test. The tester doesn't hold 10 ounces.

When I find water I open the drain and let it flow for a minute or so. I probably dump a gallon. The recommendations in my check list from my CFI say to to open the inside sump drain and cycle the fuel tank selector for half minute in each of the four tank positions, too.

Don't tell the environment folks.

My A&P has replaced the fuel cap seals.
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Interesting coincidence - I found water in the right wing sump of the 172 I was renting at the weekend - which makes me wonder how well the Instructor and IFR student had done the preflight before they bought it back...especially as they handed me the keys as they walked away from the plane ;)
I found water in one of the Bo's tanks... while parked inside a hangar.

If your tanks weren't full, could have just been condensation...