When I bought my Piper (which was based in Alabama and hangared), I had a pre-buy done in Winter Haven after which it was flown to me in Sarasota, so three hops. The very FIRST time I went to sump the tanks, there was water at all three sump points and even a few insects..eww.
What amazes me is ever since that day, every time I go sump the plane I have not once, seen a repeat of that situation. And there have been some whopper storms here in FL lately, plenty of opportunity for insects, water or both to reappear.
I can only guess that either the plane wasn't sumped at any of those locations when I got it (unlikely), or that there was some fuel contamination along the way.
During my whole private pilot training I sumped C172's and C162's, never saw water or anything like what I saw the first time I sumped my new plane, so although I heard about what to look for, seeing it was quite a different experience.
It is VERY obvious when water is in the fuel, I was expecting something more subtle, but man, it's hard to miss those big clear drops at the bottom of the sampling container.
Good job on conducting a thorough pre-flight and catching it. Could have been fuel, or condensation, or if it is a school plane, a poor job by previous renters/students that kept the water there.
I sump everytime I fill up or before any flight (even if I haven't gotten fuel). The last thing I want is to become a statistic due to fuel contamination.
It's shocking to me to watch other pilots get fuel or just hop in the plane and go without even checking what is in the tank (some don't even do a walkaround). Makes me glad I'm not flying with them.