Was it a diesel?

Keith Lane

Pattern Altitude
Feb 25, 2005
Conyers, Georgia
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Display name:
Keith Lane
This morning I was out in the back yard and heard a plane overhead. I looked up and saw a light twin with a T-tail cruising along at what appeared to be about 5,000 feet. This was the quietest twin I have ever heard. Appeared to be scooting right along as well. Has anyone here ever hear a Diamond diesel go overhead? It had a low pitched sound and I could hear none of the high pitched prop noise either. It really got my attention, sorta like the first time I ever heard a Beech Starship pass overhead.
They do sound neat. had one doing some touch and goes at 10C. On one take off the sound changed abruptly on take off and the plane came to a halt. He taxied back tot eh ramp. Seems one of the electronic injectors jammed open and caused problems with the engine.

They tried to get the mechanic on the field to fix it but he had no idea how the engine worked. So they had to fly in a mechanic from nearby Waukegan (KUGN).

Neat plane though.
The DA42 is extremely quiet. Those little turbos on the diesels help to muffle the engine, and MT props are also typically very quiet. A guy my flight instructor knows had a DA42. I couldn't believe how quiet the thing was as he taxiied up to us on the ramp. What a sweet airplane... too bad it's got the wrong engines. ;)
Good support may come back. The engine, itself, has too much promise to ignore it.

Oh c'mon Kenny, it'll ALWAYS be the wrong engine to me, and you know why! :D