Warrior III Performance Charts -- Is there an Excel spreadsheet for that?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Does anyone know if there is a Excel spreadsheet that will tell me the same information that the performance charts in the back of my 2003 Warrior III POH do? These are the charts that take the data for Pressure Altitude, Temp, Weight, Wind and provide an estimate for take off and landing distance.

Since I rent though the local flight school, they ask me complete a dispatch form that asks for TO and LDNG distance. And I don't object since it's an item that if left undone during your flight prep, can be at serious peril.

I'm just looking for a means to get the answer quicker and without having to follow a bunch of lines and having my eyes cross like the did reading the badly photocopied ones on my PPL written.