Wanted: 430W/530W Data card


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
So, I have a GNS430 that started having Tx/Rx issues. The avionics shop took a look at it, and it needs to head back to Garmin. Rather than pay for just the min bench charge, I'm upgrading to the W since they said during the upgrade the Tx/Rx would be fixed. But of course the extra data card (I like to have two so I can swap data easier) I have won't hold all the necessary information for the W unit, and Rapesen wants $210 for a data card.

So, anyone out there done an upgrade from a 430W/530W that has a spare card they want to sell on the cheap(er) ?
I see them on BT often.....
Ugh...just thinking about having to buy another one of those makes me cringe. Crazy. I'd buy about 10 of them if they'd price them reasonably.