Wake Turbulence


Final Approach
Nov 4, 2015
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Hey guys,

Just wondering...what do you guys do if your not comfortable landing behind a big jet (because of wake turbulence)? What do you tell the controller?

I used to train out at KSDL (Scottsdale) and was landing behind business jets all the time, but maybe I shouldn't have been?

Flame on!
ATC is using wake turb separation criteria when required. If it doesn't meet your own personal mins, then request an extension or go around. If you're using visual, then put yourself in a position to not get in their wake.
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Tell the controller you'll be landing long, you should have plenty of runway and do not need to land on the numbers.
All good answers above, but if you're at all uncomfortable, just request to break out and reenter the pattern, ask for a 360, etc. You can ask for anything and if the controller's traffic is not a factor they should allow it.
Thank you fellow pilots of america!