I hung up this VFR planning chart on my wall. Covers the whole U.S. 59x36". $9.85 retail.But, I would like a bunch to put on the wall in my son's room. Right now we have sectionals up which doesn't cover as much of the US as we'd like.
Does anyone have a bunch of expired WACs they'd sell me (of the western US)?
I hung up this VFR planning chart on my wall. Covers the whole U.S. 59x36". $9.85 retail.
WAC charts were useful to me only because they cut the "paper chase" in the plane on long x-country flights.
Now, with all the sectionals neatly stored inside my iPad, they have been superceded.
The question should be "Sectionals - who uses them?".
When I still flew VFR X/Cs, I never understood the need for sectionals. WACs are fine for long distances.
Last time I used one was many years ago for a long X-C. I was too cheap to buy the sectionals. LOL!
Up here there's a gazillion sectionals. I always just bought two or three WACs instead and the TAC for Anchorage/Fairbanks.
Of course like Tom asked now I'm paperless with Foreflight.
Huh? Skyvector has WAC charts. Lookie here:
2 anyway,,,,,(WG 18 and 19) how do you get to the rest of them..
2 anyway,,,,,(WG 18 and 19) how do you get to the rest of them..
The question should be "Sectionals - who uses them?".
We've noticed some pilots value stitched charts even if there is a loss of some information, whereas others will prefer unstitched whole charts.
FlightGuide's Ipad app now has stitched and unstitched charts, hit the button to switch between them so you can get to the flap info.
After playing with FlightGuide, I'm switching from FOreFlight to Flightguide (at least for now).
Will advise of the pros and cons of each.
If you try AvCaddy EFB (we're currently giving free trials), please let us know your thoughts, especially with respect to other products you've tried. We appreciate all feedback from everyone. (We offer interactive unstitched charts among other things).
One thing we do not offer is WACs, and it would be interesting to gauge whether or not users value digital WACs in general, regardless of who is providing them.
I hate that you can't get to the data on the edges of charts with stitched charts. Hate hate hate. Legends, MOA times/frequencies, etc. Haaaaaate.
I think if I pay for a digital chart "subscription" I ought to be able to see the whole chart.
Same thing with stitching TACs over Sectionals. I want to be able to turn off the TAC layer and see the darn Sectional sometimes!
FlightGuide's Ipad app now has stitched and unstitched charts, hit the button to switch between them so you can get to the flap info.
After playing with FlightGuide, I'm switching from FOreFlight to Flightguide (at least for now).
Will advise of the pros and cons of each.
Aha, YOU were the guy who said you were switching! I went and found Flight Guide at OSH because of that.
I was largely unimpressed, especially with the airport info - the type was TINY, and even though you can zoom in on it, it seemed a little clunky to me.
The switching back and forth between stitched and unstitched is a great idea, though.
Jay;LOL. Leave it to the gummint to not post a picture of a product they're trying to sell. Who designs this stuff for them?
I presume this is the big wall chart we see in so many FBOs?
I don't see the point of EFB WACs. WACs are great for covering large areas with minimal paper. But with an EFB, you can have the greater detail with no cost in space or paper, and zoom to the size you want for the speed of aircraft you are flying.
WACs have a place in analog (paper) world. I don't see their utility in a digital world.
I just hope they didn't patent the idea!I think both of those are serious innovations, and hope other get onboard. The situational awareness from both of those have strong potential.