Final Approach
Which is probably why checking against each other in the air is only allowed a 4 degree discrepancy (IIRC). It's also why I like to do ground checks as well, or at least checks on some radial I can identify by ground reference.FWIW, I always do air checks (comparing the two). It's the easiest thing to do while flying.
Of course, if both of your VORs are off, and off in the same directly then, well...
But I also like to do lots of checking the two against each other in the air too, on different radials of the same VOR as well as different VORs. Both nav radios in the 172 I'm doing my instrument training in always pass the VOT at KDET to within a degree at the most, but we found yesterday that on the SVM 080 (cross radial for the LOC/ILS 15 FAF @ KDET), its NAV2 is nearly 4* off. Not beyond tolerance for an aerial check (6*), but nearly 2nm off at that distance, NOT something I'd be comfortable relying on for real.