Virtually lurking at OSH12


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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I want to keep up on product announcements and other such things, even though I can't be there this year. I'll be following Twitter (link above) looking for posts with #OSH12 tagged on them; any other worthwhile feeds that you know of? Maybe THIS thread could be a feed; you POA'ers that are there--please let us know what cool stuff you find. Any show offers we should take advantage of, etc.

Found on the feed;'s OSH feed comes from this rack of equipment:

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Cessna says they'll have an announcement at their tent about 9:30am CT:

Cessna Aircraft Co ‏@fly_cessna

Good morning and happy first day of #OSH12! Make your way over to the Cessna tent for an announcement in just a little over an hour!
I just installed TweetDeck on my phone so I can keep up with #OSH12. Haven't used Twitter in so long that I had a hard time remembering my password.
A Piper Cub shouldn’t have an airspeed indicator, it should have a calendar. -heard on EAA Radio #OSH12
EAA Radio is available on TuneIn Radio. Listening via Android App now.
Just listened to Jack Roush land his Premier on rwy 27 at #osh12 via @liveatc "good to be back...had a little trouble two years ago"
Bahahaha! Tower controller at #OSH12: "RV, you missed the green dot by 3 and a half inches. Welcome to Oshkosh, flagman to parking"
The wasps are hanging out in the shade of the cameras.



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To those of you there: is traffic lighter than usual this year? It seems like there are fewer planes and smaller crowds than usual, based strictly on what I'm seeing on the cameras.
It seemed a bit down at first. I think weather on Monday being 100+ delayed a lot of arrivals. Seems filled in pretty good now, but not a record-setter.

A significant number of folks speaking Chinese walking around, and at least one food vendor has stir-fry. Seriously.

Saw reports that Glasair was bought by Chinese investors on Monday. They kinda tossed that one into the press quietly with all the OSH stuff going on.
It seemed a bit down at first. I think weather on Monday being 100+ delayed a lot of arrivals. Seems filled in pretty good now, but not a record-setter.

A significant number of folks speaking Chinese walking around, and at least one food vendor has stir-fry. Seriously.

Saw reports that Glasair was bought by Chinese investors on Monday. They kinda tossed that one into the press quietly with all the OSH stuff going on.

At this rate, AirVenture is going to be in Shanghai next year.
We've noticed that. Hangar D has lots of open space, and Sporty's only has a single outside booth; nothing in the hangars.
Attendance did seem rather light this year, despite a record number of RVs (Van's 40th anniversary). The ABCD hangar booth numbers were definitely down from years past. The only numbers that were really way up were the number of ground vehicles for us pedestrians to dodge (not good IMHO).
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I tallied up my pedometer app totals, and found I walked 34mi over the course of 5 days there. My feet are happy for a break!
Attendance did seem rather light this year, despite a record number of RVs (Van's 40th anniversary). The ABCD hangar booth numbers were definitely down from years past. The only numbers that were really way up were the number of ground vehicles for us pedestrians to dodge (not good IMHO).

Agreed! It's really out of control. From VIPs in cars some antique cars to golf carts to gators to scooters. I felt like I was in the minority as a walker. :nono:
Some twit with a golf cart drove up to the tent next to ours and sat on it flirting with the tent owner for hours and hours. When they started lighting up cigarettes on the cart in the North 40, my co-owner confronted them.

(I'm a smoker and even I wouldn't do that!)

I got the impression they had the cart for real volunteer work and instead were sitting on it in the North 40 doing nothing but making googlie-eyes at each other.

On the night before our departure they were having either a drug or alcohol-induced rambling discussion at high volume until past 1AM in the tent. Rambling doesn't really cut it, they both were talking non-stop and not listening to each other.

The next morning we all joked that we wanted to pull their tent stakes, aim the airplane at the tent, and then start the engine.

That was also when we learned that we'd all been lying in our tents just waiting to hear one of the other guys come out and start the confrontation and we'd have all come out to back each other up. Hahaha. No one really knew if the others in our group were being kept awake by the inane babbling from the tent next door.

We decided they'd still get full appreciation out of us pulling stakes, breaking camp at 5:30 and starting the Skylane without pointing it at them. Enjoy that hangover. Here's a Skylane start 10 feet from your head to start the pounding! :)

I guess the only good news is that since they appeared to be drunk or high on something, at least they weren't driving around mowing down people with the golf cart.

There's something magical about the place, though. Anywhere else with camping neighbors like that I'd have lost it. At Oshkosh, you just tune it out and think about airplanes. And it works. You eventually drift off into nice dreams...
There's something magical about the place, though. Anywhere else with camping neighbors like that I'd have lost it. At Oshkosh, you just tune it out and think about airplanes. And it works. You eventually drift off into nice dreams...

Agreed. I had some campers behind me in the next row with a loud TV every night until 1am watching top gun every night. If it wasnt at OSH I would have lost it too. But like you I would think about all the planes and fall asleep.
Agreed. I had some campers behind me in the next row with a loud TV every night until 1am watching top gun every night. If it wasnt at OSH I would have lost it too. But like you I would think about all the planes and fall asleep.

A TV at OSH? Really?
Yep. They had a small generator and a big screen TV. They were flying a turbo twin aero commander. They had every thing there including a sink.

Hehehe. I thought that camp was awesome. Didn't know they were running the stuff there until late night, though. Turboprop converted Twin Commander, actually.

It was nice to finally meet ya in person, too!
The night scene is the best part about camping at OSH. If pilots making a little bit of noise and enjoying themselves till 1am bothers you, get up and join them, or don't camp there :)