(Video) Garmin Virb camera on IFR Flight - RI to Bar Harbor


Line Up and Wait
Apr 5, 2012
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Hey guys,

We had a nice summer flight over the weekend, IFR from Rhode Island to Bar Harbor Maine, using the Garmin Virb camera tail mounted.

Beautiful sunset on the return portion, and great IMC conditions for some cloud cruising at 7,000'

Check the video here
- Phillip

The garmin camera comes with some free editing software that let's you overlay a lot of flight metrics like ground speed, direction, altitude and Gs too
What was the camera attachment method?
Looks good! I use a program called Dashware to overlay my gps info. ContourGPS.
For aviation I think Virb is going to be way better than Gay-Pro

Agreed, I really like mine, and its more aerodynamic for helmet, and or plane mounting. The only thing I am struggling with is the audio levels when recording with the adapter to your headset.
Im going to try some new videos with the Neutral Density filter Garmin came out with.
Ill post again to show everyone how it looks

For the tail mount. Just the standard plastic foot/arm that came with the unit, but I drilled a hole in the middle and ran a machine screw through it. I used an existing screw hole by the tail light