VFR into San Diego Montgomery (MYF)

Hunter Handsfield

Jan 8, 2020
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Hunter Handsfield
Looking for advice from those based at or familiar with MYF. I'll be arriving VFR from the north, tentatively via Oceanside VOR (OCN), but of course can swing out to the east to avoid the complex class B if necessary. Expected or suggested routing? Can I expect ATC (Socal Approach) clearance for descent through class B? Or would it be best to be IFR, even in good weather, and let Socal manage the details?

Thanks! HHH

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Oceanside direct Mount Soledad (VPSMS) at 3500' will avoid the Bravo airspace. Flight following is quite helpful VFR as well and may get a Bravo clearance (depending on Miramar departures) and handoff to tower. If staying VFR without flight following contact Montgomery tower 119.2 abeam Torrey Pines and expect clearance to fly southwest of Mount Soledad for a left downwind visual to 28L. Also if not on flight following monitor 122.750 for San Diego Coastal traffic calls, there is a lot of training along the coast. With the current June Gloom weather an IFR flight might be better. edit-or you could drop down below the Bravo floor of 1800' after Oceanside to stay below the Miramar departure corridor.
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Thank you farmrjohn! Very helpful. (As a former north county resident back in my pre-pilot life -- Solana Beach -- I'm well aware of June Gloom! The world is full of people who visit San Diego too early in the summer and get only low clouds until mid afternoon.)

Another pilot friend in the area advises (by email) "Arrival here is pretty easy, just use flight following and they will let you transit the Class B easily." Hoping they're not too busy when the time comes.

Thanks again-- HHH
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I used to commute there for a contract -- from OCN I nearly always got pinned under the bravo, direct mt soledad, then direct (basically a nice setup to downwind). there is a GPS fix (VPSMS) you can use to make it easy.

Strangely if I came inland over I-15, they almost always gave me the B clearance.

The shape of the airspace is such that it's basically a circus at 1000-1500 MSL, traffic going two ways between MYF and VPSMS, and a spicy mix of different types (bugsmashers to jets and everything in between) -- keep your head on a swivel :)
When VFR with flight following they often clear you into the Bravo...
edit-or you could drop down below the Bravo floor of 1800' after Oceanside to stay below the Miramar departure corridor.

FWIW, or FYSA, unless it has changed, I recall the NKX SWOLF departure (for flights going west to the W291/NAOPA) being at 2000'. Crosses over UTC/torrey pines area westbound/southwest-bound from Miramar, depending on transition. I think we were normally starting a climb from that altitude by the time we crossed the beach though......been a long time though, can't remember
FWIW, or FYSA, unless it has changed, I recall the NKX SWOLF departure (for flights going west to the W291/NAOPA) being at 2000'. Crosses over UTC/torrey pines area westbound/southwest-bound from Miramar, depending on transition. I think we were normally starting a climb from that altitude by the time we crossed the beach though......been a long time though, can't remember
They’re still keeping them down.
