Huh... I see. They don't do that here. Tower clears us for low approach or landing (they don't use the option unless you ask for it specifically), we call the miss, they tell us to contact departure, or they might add a heading and/or altitude onto "contact departure" but since you're not getting it 'til you're doing it, I never have to write it down.
Yeah - it's basically every time here. They'll do it when you're IFR in IMC as well.
For VFR, the only thing Foreflight is missing in my book is all the stuff on the edge of sectionals, particularly special use airspace info. If they could come up with a "button" that pulled that up for the sectional I'm on it would be near perfect. I am not currently flying IFR, might need/want some other things then.


Even neater would context-sensitive explanation of the stuff on the sectional. For example, hover over (or some special click on) an MOA and get the relevant information. Maybe it does it - I don't have any EFB.
There's apparently a FF update on the way. They're not talking about what will be in it but, based on the number of posts I've seen on the subject, SUA is on my WAG list.

But a question: what's all this cross-product and cross-platform bashing? The Android-based tablets aren't the platform of choice for the primary aviation app developers at this point, so I ended up with an iPad (to complement my Droid). And any WingX-FF differences are about 90% about which UI you like better with the rest nothing more than which product gets to which "must-have" feature first.

Just another symptom of 21st Century life in America? Can't prefer one thing without also hating everything else?
Huh... I see. They don't do that here. Tower clears us for low approach or landing (they don't use the option unless you ask for it specifically), we call the miss, they tell us to contact departure, or they might add a heading and/or altitude onto "contact departure" but since you're not getting it 'til you're doing it, I never have to write it down.
It varies. From Denver Approach I've gotten alternate missed approach instructions before being handed off to Tower, missed approach instructions shortly after being handed off to Tower, and "expected" missed approach instructions from Approach with the final instruction coming from Tower as part of the actual missed.

I wouldn't be in the least surprised to hear other variations on the theme.
There's apparently a FF update on the way.

As I've posted before, there's ALWAYS a FF update on the way... And generally we're testing the next version before the "previous" one even hits the App Store. (ie, we were testing 3.9 before 3.8 was available.)

But a question: what's all this cross-product and cross-platform bashing? The Android-based tablets aren't the platform of choice for the primary aviation app developers at this point, so I ended up with an iPad (to complement my Droid). And any WingX-FF differences are about 90% about which UI you like better with the rest nothing more than which product gets to which "must-have" feature first.

Just another symptom of 21st Century life in America? Can't prefer one thing without also hating everything else?

Maybe so. :dunno:

It's certainly a defensive reaction, and quite possibly ingrained due to the following conversation being repeated so many times:

iGuy: "Hey, check out this really cool thing I got! It's awesome, super-easy to use, and does all this awesome, cool stuff!"
iHater: "Yeah, but Apple made it and therefore it sucks!"
iGuy: "How so? It's already proving very useful for me."
iHater: "It's a closed platform and Apple never does anything right."
iGuy: "I'm not a developer or a geek, I just want something that works, and this new thing is working GREAT and doing much more than I expected or wanted."
iHater: "You're obviously just drinking the kool-aid. Linux/Android/whatever is far superior, and you're just stupid."
iGuy: Sigh...


Or, maybe we're gunnin' for the little guy (ForeFlight) with a great product vs. the behemoth (Garmin) with a mediocre product because we want the little guy with the great product to stay in business.
Weak. What do they do when you actually miss, just tell you to contact departure? Does departure tell you anything?
You'll say you're going missed. They'll say something like "Roger". A minute or so later they'll tell you to contact departure. Departure will generally ask for your intentions.
I fly the Phenom with nothing but the IPAD. No paper just a pen to write on my hand if the SHTF.

I have charts on the MFD and the ipad, redundency is there and i love the speed and information the ipad has.

I have the AFM, POH, FAR/AIM, Foreflight, plus all sorts of other info at my finger tips. Very nice unit for the money. I can fly without it, but i feel naked.

I still can't quite jive that all these EFBs are "legal charts" for replacement of paper in the cockpit when almost none of them have this data.

And it's one of a few reasons I'm still carrying around paper.

If you have some kind of problem where you need the info to contact the controlling authority of SUA and you don't because your iPad "doesn't have that part of the chart", I don't think the FAA is going to be too pleased with your choice of EFB-only in the aftermath.

I believe most of these companies are buying these digital stitched-together charts from Seattle Avionics and they're all missing this data. Upstream vendor problem?

I want the WHOLE chart available somewhere. Legends too.

While we're on the topic, when you zoom in on an area that's covered by a more detailed chart, sometimes around the edges you can get "chart flipping" going on. I wish there were a way to lock yourself on the sectional layer or the terminal area layer so it wouldn't do that. Sometimes there's data right at the boundary of the sectional that you're trying to look at, and you zoom in and now you have to go fish on the terminal area chart.

Just thoughts.

The G1000 has all of that info that is much easier to get, just a cursor movement away. That is updated every 28 days and my ipad is every 56. How many people buy brand new sectionals with every issuance?
The G1000 has all of that info that is much easier to get, just a cursor movement away. That is updated every 28 days and my ipad is every 56. How many people buy brand new sectionals with every issuance?
I do - that's what a subscription is for!
Course you get to write off the expense as well. Most private flyers dont have a few extra hundred a year. Not that its proper, but its not illegal.