I have a Cessna 177B with an O-360-A1F6D engine. It has about 500hrs SMOH, by Pen Yan. Chrome cylinders. In early fall, the plane revealed a very very slight oil leak. It was flown on a 7+hr cross country trip and when the plane got home, there was a small 2" long oil 'streak' coming out of the second from the front cowl fastener on the left side. We had our A&P look at it, took the cowl off, he said it definitely wasnt the prop seal as it was completely dry. We couldnt locate where oil was coming from. We've since been flying the plane keeping close eye on the "leak" It is probably only a drop or two per hour (which can leave a mess that looks bigger than it actually is) recently its been getting more noticeable and when we took the cowl off for its most recent oil change, we scoured the entire engine compartment looking for the leak. It appears the leak might be coming from the seam between the two crank case halves right around the bolt that has the engine hoist 'U'. Is this a simple fix of re-tightening the bolt to the correct torque or is it gonna be a little more involved? I haven't touched it at all yet. As far as our oil consumption is concerned. We have always kept close track of oil consumption and we even keep a chart that we update every month. We are not using any more oil than before we discovered the leak. My guess is that it is becoming more noticeable just by the sheer fact that oil is continually building up one to two drops at a time and has now built up to a point of becoming more noticable. Any ideas?