Very Awesome Weather site

Okay, website update: you can now drag the pop-up window anywhere you like & I've sped up some of the overlays. Help pages also updated.

I've been working on browser performance for this website & have some observations:

The biggest performance killer is the display of airmets/sigmets/tfrs -- the problem has to do with the way Google Maps draws the lines. Turning these off allows you to scroll/drag the map more quickly.

But... I like displaying them, so that's not a viable option (to me)...

For Windows, IE displays the fastest -- Google Maps uses VML to draw the lines which makes it quick. Firefox uses SVG which is slower, but okay. The website works for both, but if performance is an issue I suggest going with IE.

For Mac, VML isn't available. Apple just released (yesterday) an "Safari 3 Public Beta", which is an immense improvement to the Safari browser. I _strongly_ suggest you use this new browser ( It's also available for Windows and works pretty well -- not as quick as IE for dragging airmets, etc., and about as quick as Firefox (on Windows).... Safari beta is faster than Firefox on Mac, previous Safari could be miserably slow on Mac.

Woooooow! Outstanding work!! I love it. It really looks good with the huge line of Tstorms & red returns heading our way through eastern PA tonight.

Hats off for an amazing website!!
Thanks -- I love watching the weather cross the country & see the sigmet's light up & metar symbols go red.

To that end, I'm exploring adding a 'history' feature, allowing you to go back in time (likely no more than 24 hours or so). Keep you posted.