Vegan jerky- any takers???

Hmm. I've been a vegetarian for 27 years and a vegan for two years. Used to have high cholesterol, high BP, and the rest of it. Not anymore.

ALL the meat-eaters in my family--mother, brother, sister, as well as their spouses are on medication for high blood pressure.

Laugh it up, if you must, but I'll just say this: it felt VERY good getting my medical back after having lowered my BP without the need for drugs.

Great for you but many HBP cases are hereditary. I eat mostly fish and chicken, exercise, etc but parents had HBP so here I am. I don't understand why you say "got your medical back" statement. HBP as long as it's controlled by your Dr permits a medical to be issued locally.

Fruit, vegetables and other plant matter are an important part of the food chain, and of our food supply, and meet unique dietary needs. They do not, however, fully meet our bodies' needs without adding either meat or supplements (pills). And plants are not, and cannot become, jerky. See the definition of jerky above . . . .

Seems a lot of people in India seem to do quite well on a vegetarian diet without meat or pills. Jains in particular.
Seems a lot of people in India seem to do quite well on a vegetarian diet without meat or pills. Jains in particular.
Yeah, and they're like 5'3.;) Many inner city kids do quite well on candy bars and Little Debbie's. Have you seen the size of some of these athletes nowadays? And many of them are being raised on nothing but junk food.
Hmm. I've been a vegetarian for 27 years and a vegan for two years. Used to have high cholesterol, high BP, and the rest of it. Not anymore.

ALL the meat-eaters in my family--mother, brother, sister, as well as their spouses are on medication for high blood pressure.

Laugh it up, if you must, but I'll just say this: it felt VERY good getting my medical back after having lowered my BP without the need for drugs.

One of the few in my family not medicated or needing it for BP or metabolic disorders.
I haven't tried that variety, but I've had others, and they were very good, in some cases better than beef jerky. I'd hit it.
Don't know what ya all are in a tizzy about...mots of you have been eating "vegan" FrankenMeat for quite a really think that BigMac is 100% beef?
Don't know what ya all are in a tizzy about...mots of you have been eating "vegan" FrankenMeat for quite a really think that BigMac is 100% beef?

Well known it is not 100% beef. But conversely it is not 100% NOT animal products.

The old joke was that the McDonald's guys got to together to celebrate selling the 15 millionth burger. A pause fell over the room when they realized they would need to butcher the 5th cow.
Yeah, and they're like 5'3.;) Many inner city kids do quite well on candy bars and Little Debbie's. Have you seen the size of some of these athletes nowadays? And many of them are being raised on nothing but junk food.
I find Indians cover a similar range of sizes as other people. I go over there fairly often.
The scientific literature also suggests your information is incorrect.
That would make you a raw vegan.

Wouldn't a raw vegan be someone that only eats raw vegetable matter. Ive had meals like that- surprisingly good, but not something I could do all the time. (For example: I have a bottle of hot sauce made of Carolina reapers just waiting on the first bowl of hot vegan chilly my wife makes this year! Ive had meat eaters that love her vegan chilly. Not raw vegan approved.)
I find Indians cover a similar range of sizes as other people. I go over there fairly often.
The scientific literature also suggests your information is incorrect.

I didn't comment on the size of vegans so I don't see how I was incorrect. But relax, it was just an observation, I wasn't starting a debate, this time.:rolleyes:I've been to India as well, and the men are short. Not all of them, of course there are a range of sizes. But isn't unusual to encounter men 5'6 or less. I don't have that experience here.
I didn't comment on the size of vegans so I don't see how I was incorrect. But relax, it was just an observation, I wasn't starting a debate, this time.:rolleyes:I've been to India as well, and the men are short. Not all of them, of course there are a range of sizes. But isn't unusual to encounter men 5'6 or less. I don't have that experience here.
Perhaps genetics too? Height is determined by more than just diet. I know that a minority of Indians are vegetarians.
First vegetarian I met was a 6' plus BIG GUY. If you met him in an alley you would very much feel uncomfortable. I'll add in he has multiple black belts from multiple disciplines (and has his own school now). With that information: ixna-on-da-vegi-coments-ae....

One of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Seriously, he lives nearly a state away and I can say what I wanna..

Eating less meat (or just vegetables) does not mean you will be skinny or it only works for the "vertically challenged". It can help with heath conditions. Without going into the gory details - my wife finally gave up meat when she realized after every beef meal she had meant a day in bed. She finally gave up all meat and feels much better. As mentioned before, I have medical results from my doctor proving it works for me. I'm just not giving meat up entirely...
Metabolic disorders and Hypertension come from both genetic and environmental factors. Some people can have horrid diets and never have any problems (I hate them all). Most of us are somewhat south of that, we'll be all right unless we're particularly poor with our lifestyle. Some folks have problems due to their genetics and there's naught to be done about it.

I'm actually a pretty good example. I suffer from gout, a disease that can be brought about by the consumption of animal products. I haven't touched meat since the Reagan administration, and walk 5 miles a day. However, I haven't the problems with cholesterol and hypertension that run rampant in my family. Mrs. Steingar has most of these problems, despite the same diet (though not as consistent an exercise regimen).
Perhaps genetics too? Height is determined by more than just diet. I know that a minority of Indians are vegetarians.
I don't know, I'm guessing pre-natal health and diet have a lot to do with it. I don't doubt that a vegetarian diet can be healthy if not healthier option for some people. It just takes more effort to get it right and I would guess it takes some attention and a basic knowledge of nutrition. I'm personally not interested and am willing to live with any consequences eating meat may cause.
First vegetarian I met was a 6' plus BIG GUY. If you met him in an alley you would very much feel uncomfortable. I'll add in he has multiple black belts from multiple disciplines (and has his own school now). With that information: ixna-on-da-vegi-coments-ae....

Dirty Harry wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

Wouldn't a raw vegan be someone that only eats raw vegetable matter. Ive had meals like that- surprisingly good, but not something I could do all the time. (For example: I have a bottle of hot sauce made of Carolina reapers just waiting on the first bowl of hot vegan chilly my wife makes this year! Ive had meat eaters that love her vegan chilly. Not raw vegan approved.)
My understanding is there are two types of vegans. The real vegans will only eat raw veggies, fruits, etc. and will not touch anything that has been cooked, processed or anything else that came from an animal. The other side will eat processed or cooked foods as long as they think there are no animal byproducts in them, and they most generally have no qualms about wearing makeup, running shoes, belts, using soap/shampoo, owning a car with leather seats, etc., etc.

One side is real... the other side is fake. Most vegans are hypocrites. :yesnod:
Yea, my wife is headed down the path to no leather, etc. I get the diet issues and eating to be healthy. I don't get the not even touching dead animals.

I can be stuffed to the gills and I'll gut a fish for dinner. (I'm too lazy for a deer- way too much work.)
Yea, my wife is headed down the path to no leather, etc.
What about make-up? Don't they do animal testing for cosmetics? Maybe there's a vegan-friendly version out now, I don't know. I would ask if your wife is pro-life, but that probably wouldn't be well received here.
What about make-up? Don't they do animal testing for cosmetics?
The majority of your faux "milk comes from the store" vegans don't have the slightest clue that many of the keratins, glycerins, stearins, etc. found in the everyday foods and products they consume are derived from animals. :rolleyes:
The majority of your faux "milk comes from the store" vegans don't have the slightest clue that many of the keratins, glycerins, stearins, etc. found in the everyday foods and products they consume are derived from animals. :rolleyes:

Or that almost all lipstick contains fish scales to make it shiny . . . .
The keratins I'd heard of, I didn't know about many of the others.
Put it this way. There's not much we (vegan or no vegan) that we eat, wear, or consume these days that doesn't contain some sort of animal byproducts. Nothing goes to waste at the slaughter house!
Be careful using generalizations. People like my wife that become vegetarian and then vegan do it for a number of reasons. But if health is the reason, they read all labels and learn (the Internet is good here) what things are made of. When there is a negative health affect, you figure it out and try to head off the next negative "response".

I remember asking if she wanted jello once- she wasn't interested.

Then there are the militant vegans. These folks get upset that parts of their world are only from dead animals and seek to have alternatives. Shoes is one area where leather is very common. Over the past decade or so there have been companies pop up to fill the "need".

I'm a married gun/airplane owning meat eater that has been known to hang out on occasion with left leaning LGBT vegans. "They" are pretty smart people. Several have been gun owners and at least one has been a pilot.
My cuñada is Vegan. I'm not so strident that I have to go to that level, to be honest. What we're doing seems to be working, so I think we'll keep at it. I think we'll be just fine so long as I keep that fryer locked up in the basement...
My understanding is there are two types of vegans. The real vegans will only eat raw veggies, fruits, etc. and will not touch anything that has been cooked, processed or anything else that came from an animal. The other side will eat processed or cooked foods as long as they think there are no animal byproducts in them, and they most generally have no qualms about wearing makeup, running shoes, belts, using soap/shampoo, owning a car with leather seats, etc., etc.

One side is real... the other side is fake. Most vegans are hypocrites. :yesnod:

What a joke.

Most animal lovers are hypocrites. They "love" some types of animals IF they are cute or fun, but they mindlessly eat and wear other kinds. This is one of the most common type of hypocrite in the world.
The majority of your faux "milk comes from the store" vegans don't have the slightest clue that many of the keratins, glycerins, stearins, etc. found in the everyday foods and products they consume are derived from animals. :rolleyes:
Sure about that? Most of the vegans I know make our own soymilk from soybeans.
Be careful using generalizations. People like my wife that become vegetarian and then vegan do it for a number of reasons. But if health is the reason, they read all labels and learn (the Internet is good here) what things are made of. When there is a negative health affect, you figure it out and try to head off the next negative "response".

I remember asking if she wanted jello once- she wasn't interested.

Then there are the militant vegans. These folks get upset that parts of their world are only from dead animals and seek to have alternatives. Shoes is one area where leather is very common. Over the past decade or so there have been companies pop up to fill the "need".

I'm a married gun/airplane owning meat eater that has been known to hang out on occasion with left leaning LGBT vegans. "They" are pretty smart people. Several have been gun owners and at least one has been a pilot.

Yep. I'm a Libertarian, a pilot, Trump-voter, AND I'm vegan. Watch those generalizations, people.
Great for you but many HBP cases are hereditary. I eat mostly fish and chicken, exercise, etc but parents had HBP so here I am. I don't understand why you say "got your medical back" statement. HBP as long as it's controlled by your Dr permits a medical to be issued locally.

I don't understand your complaints. I said the my high BP is, in fact, hereditary. I thought I made that clear when I said that my entire family has that problem. I'm certainly NOT saying persons with hereditary high BP are defective.

And I also don't understand what you don't understand about me getting my medical back. This is what I said: I got "my medical back after having lowered my BP without the need for drugs." The point was not needing the drugs. Why did I not need the drugs? Because I became a much healthier eater than my family.

If there is a way to be healthy without the need for drugs, why not choose that way?
Another horrible misconception. LOTS goes to waste at the slaughterhouse. , for example
That article doesn't really refute what he's saying. Sure, slaughterhouses are a messy business but the animal itself doesn't get tossed in the trash once the meat is taken off the carcass. That article refers to the electricity required to run the plants as "frightening". So it's not really the best place to get the truth.
My only knowledge comes from a local processor, but the entire animal is used. The offal, the hide, the bones, hooves, etc all gets used. Sure there's blood and manure that makes a mess but the animal is not going to waste.
Vegan Jerky
1. Oxymoron.
2. Construction material, i.e. particle board, plywood.
3. Subject of a bad nightmare.
Utter or udder?

According to Wikipedia, which we all know to be the superlative source of all things true:

Jerky is lean meat that has been trimmed of fat, cut into strips, and then dried to prevent spoilage. Normally, this drying includes the addition of salt, to prevent bacteria from developing on the meat before sufficient moisture has been removed. The word "jerky" is derived from the Quechua word ch'arki which means "dried, salted meat".[1][2][3] All that is needed to produce basic "jerky" is a low-temperature drying method, and salt to inhibit bacterial growth.

This will help:
Another horrible misconception. LOTS goes to waste at the slaughterhouse. , for example
OMG! That article is so funny I don't even have any words for the ignorance being displayed.

I grew up in a town that has one of the largest cattle slaughter houses in the nation. Believe me... I know where every single part of a bovine goes if it's not going to the supermarket. Even the wastewater is treated and re-used. As for the manure/methane, the majority of that is captured and used to generate electricity and fuel for the feedlots that prep the cattle for slaughter.

Gotta love the "greenies"... always writing and spewing pablum about something they don't have the vaguest clue about. Just like the "anti-gun" crowd. What's worse, is all the sheep that don't know how think for themselves and buy into all that garbage. :rolleyes:
OMG! That article is so funny I don't even have any words for the ignorance being displayed.

I grew up in a town that has one of the largest cattle slaughter houses in the nation. Believe me... I know where every single part of a bovine goes if it's not going to the supermarket. Even the wastewater is treated and re-used. As for the manure/methane, the majority of that is captured and used to generate electricity and fuel for the feedlots that prep the cattle for slaughter.

Gotta love the "greenies"... always writing and spewing pablum about something they don't have the vaguest clue about. Just like the "anti-gun" crowd. What's worse, is all the sheep that don't know how think for themselves and buy into all that garbage. :rolleyes:
^^^^^^you may wish to follow your own advice before criticizing others ˅˅˅˅˅˅

<SNIP -follow quote link to see the rest>
So which is going to warm the atmosphere more... the 25% of H2O or the 0.0360% trace amount of CO2? You guys picked the wrong gas to make the bad guy. You guys should've picked Argon or something, it sounds more sinister and scary. Of course the welders and light bulb makers might get a little testy. :eek:

The atmosphere contains ~0.4% averaged over the entire volume.