chair flying experience with using a Mac?
I would NOT use / get XPlane12 at this point.
There are so many things wrong with it that most users that purchased it are no longer using it, and some wanted to get refund.
The cockpits / instrument panel is way too dark in most acft, like the C172 to the point that it renders it useless.
The throughput required to just run it in Real time, above 20 FPS, with decent settings, is incredible, needs at least a CPU in the 5GHz, 3090 or above Video, 32GB RAM..
At this time it's only available in Digital download which is limited to only a couple of weeks of use unless you have Internet available to revalidate. Some people had to go to their friends to revalidate when they needed to use it and had no internet available.
There are some distributions that are showing up ind DVD but not widely available in USA.
If you want XP look for XP11, on DVD, or available on Steam for around $30.00
There in Nothing of added value in XP12, knowing what I know now about it I would not waste any of my time with it. I don't know what is going on with that group, arrogance, ignorance, air of superiority thinking that they can dictate to customers what they want them to do..? I have no idea, they've known about some of these problems for many months but they chose to do nothing about them.
My opinion is stay away from XP12 unless you have no other choice.