Touchdown! Greaser!
Traditionally the CINCNORAD has been a USAF person but at least twice has been a USN person. The Deputy CINCNORAD is always Canadian. The commander has to be approved by the Senate. What I do not know is who NORAD reports to. The USAF and RCAF seem to have a lot of the operational management responsibilities but the organization itself also seems to do things that would violate the posse comitatus act such as tracking drug flights. Perhaps they get around that as it is a flight that starts outside of the US. At any rate that is a discussion for another thread.
I would presume that Commander of NORAD would report to the Sec. Gates (and through him to the President) like any other officer of his station, and the deputy commander would report to Min. McKay (and through him to the Governor General) in Ottawa, although the deputy may report through the Chief of Defense Staff...not sure how the chain-of-command works up at that level up north...CDS may have a command role, unlike the Joint Chiefs who are advisory officers and not part of the chain-of-command.