Urgent mail notices <g>

Dave Siciliano

Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
Dallas, Texas
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Display name:
Dave Siciliano
So, I'm just catching up on my 'snail mail' after bein outta town for a week and see several "urgent reminders or notices". Of course, none of these have any urgency to me whatsoever <g>. They must be urgent to the party that mailed them...right?
Let's see: Aviation Safety--URGENT REMINDER in a red envelope. What in the world could be urgent to me; sent by them? Oh! I see, I have a renewal reservation I might miss for something to which I don't subscribe.

Now, as a former military guy (that once was in a combat environment), Urgent has special meaning to me--lives at risk; being overrun by bad guys, plane on fire stuff like that. Seems in civilian life, it's used a bit more loosely.

Here's another one: seems my mortgage lender feels I really need mortgage guarantee insurance in case I die before my home mortgage is paid off. I really think THEY need to have that insurance. If I die, the last thing in my thoughts surely won't be how the mortgage will get paid off!!

Oh! Here's the bi-weekly urgent letter from AOPA that my membership will expire in only three months if I don't renew now.

I don't see anything from the lender that has the seven figure business loan on our subdivision; nothing from the hospital my Brother-in-law is in about his condition in intensive care.

So, what does the term urgent mean? Does anyone really use it when it's truly an emergency in nature, or has urgent become a synonym for marketing folks to mean they might lose revenue if I don't send money promptly?


I'm getting so sick of magazines that send me twice a month urgent offers to resubscribe only weeks after I subscribed in the first place - because you know, my subscription only runs through 2011 - I'm going to cancel the subscriptions and ask for a refund. It's not enough that they sell your name for 5 cents a pop? :mad:
If someone marks urgent on an e-mail sent to me, out of principle I read it last.
My pet peeve is the envelopes that are designed to look like official mail from a governmental unit, but are simply sales pitches. Sometimes I wonder how stupid they think the American public is, but then I see what's popular on TV and I sadly know the answer.
So, I'm just catching up on my 'snail mail' after bein outta town for a week and see several "urgent reminders or notices". Of course, none of these have any urgency to me whatsoever <g>. They must be urgent to the party that mailed them...right?
Let's see: Aviation Safety--URGENT REMINDER in a red envelope. What in the world could be urgent to me; sent by them? Oh! I see, I have a renewal reservation I might miss for something to which I don't subscribe.

Now, as a former military guy (that once was in a combat environment), Urgent has special meaning to me--lives at risk; being overrun by bad guys, plane on fire stuff like that. Seems in civilian life, it's used a bit more loosely.

Here's another one: seems my mortgage lender feels I really need mortgage guarantee insurance in case I die before my home mortgage is paid off. I really think THEY need to have that insurance. If I die, the last thing in my thoughts surely won't be how the mortgage will get paid off!!

Oh! Here's the bi-weekly urgent letter from AOPA that my membership will expire in only three months if I don't renew now.

I don't see anything from the lender that has the seven figure business loan on our subdivision; nothing from the hospital my Brother-in-law is in about his condition in intensive care.

So, what does the term urgent mean? Does anyone really use it when it's truly an emergency in nature, or has urgent become a synonym for marketing folks to mean they might lose revenue if I don't send money promptly?



These days, WRT mail urgent typically means: "Junk mail to be tossed" in my experience.
If someone marks urgent on an e-mail sent to me, out of principle I read it last.

And how do you feel about the folks that send every email (including the ones with nothing but a stupid joke they felt needed passing along) with "return receipt requested"?
Out of principle I run it through the shreadder without even opening it.

Your email client has a shredder??? CoolB). If only it could reach out and shred the sender's server.
And how do you feel about the folks that send every email (including the ones with nothing but a stupid joke they felt needed passing along) with "return receipt requested"?

One of my co-workers has that set up and it drives me crazy. I finally told him that all of his e-mails are deleted without being looked at due to the annoyance. Has he changed...nope :(:(
And how do you feel about the folks that send every email (including the ones with nothing but a stupid joke they felt needed passing along) with "return receipt requested"?

I have the "never give a return receipt option" checked.:yes:
One of my co-workers has that set up and it drives me crazy. I finally told him that all of his e-mails are deleted without being looked at due to the annoyance. Has he changed...nope :(:(

The Administrator of the watershed district I used to preside on the Board of did that and nothing I said would change his behavior. You'd think that he would have been concerned that I pretty much had the power to fire him that he'd have mended his ways but he just couldn't understand why I would even care. I guess it's a control thing.
I go with "ask me" on return receipt. And always check no. If it was really important, I can always mark the mail unread and try it again. Most (e)(s)mail is junk. I particularly like trading emails that are one line because it's easier than actually talking to the person.
No wonder texting has run amuck!
I rather enjoy opening that mail, just to get out the postage paid return envelopes...
I seal them up and send them back, with nothing inside... or if you really want to have fun, send them another banks CC offer! I bet the crew opening them at the other end get annoyed!

Everytime, it costs the sender a few cents... and I smile!
I rather enjoy opening that mail, just to get out the postage paid return envelopes...
I seal them up and send them back, with nothing inside... or if you really want to have fun, send them another banks CC offer! I bet the crew opening them at the other end get annoyed!

Everytime, it costs the sender a few cents... and I smile!

Ooh I like that one. I have a pile sitting in front of me. The only thing better would be if they had to pay full postage instead of getting bulk rates the rest of us probably subsidize.
I rather enjoy opening that mail, just to get out the postage paid return envelopes...
I seal them up and send them back, with nothing inside... or if you really want to have fun, send them another banks CC offer! I bet the crew opening them at the other end get annoyed!

Everytime, it costs the sender a few cents... and I smile!

I started doing that last summer with the CC offers... and haven't received anymore, after two months of sending them back with black sharpie "DECLINED" written across the offer!
So, I'm just catching up on my 'snail mail' after bein outta town for a week and see several "urgent reminders or notices".

Your email client has a shredder??? CoolB). If only it could reach out and shred the sender's server.

Nope I wish! Dave was talking about "urgent" snail mail not e-mail.

How many FINAL NOTICES can one originator send? I received my third final notice today for 'affordable' mortgage protection program insurance. (How many oxymorons can one work into one sentence?)


I never was great at following dictums.


How many FINAL NOTICES can one originator send? I received my third final notice today for 'affordable' mortgage protection program insurance. (How many oxymorons can one work into one sentence?)


I never was great at following dictums.



I got so many of those after I closed the house i could have papered the walls of the place with them. I imagine some addled old folk would have had $25,000 in policy premiums if they responded to all of them.
I got so many of those after I closed the house i could have papered the walls of the place with them. I imagine some addled old folk would have had $25,000 in policy premiums if they responded to all of them.

I don't have a mortgage on either of my houses, though I did for a couple months on the new residence. But I continue to receive the referenced mortgage insurance Notices. The most recent version I filled out with a different name, extracted any reference to me. Then I put it into the No Postage Stamp Required envelope and mailed it from another town so it wouldn't have the postmark from the town to which their original Final Notice had been sent.


EDIT: Oh, and I marked the application, "Please rush me further details.

(Yeah, Spike; I'm a Bad Man)
Ooh I like that one. I have a pile sitting in front of me. The only thing better would be if they had to pay full postage instead of getting bulk rates the rest of us probably subsidize.

Be careful. There is nothing to keep them from putting an X on the renewal block of the notice and then sending you a bill.

Better to make a big, black declination notice on it and keep a copy. After a while all this gets tedius.
It's not enough that they sell your name for 5 cents a pop? :mad:

Maybe you are on to something here. Your name/address may be worth more on sale if they have recently received money from you. Just guessing....

Tape the envelope to a brick. Really runs up the postage charge.

Sheets of lead cut to the size of the envelope and slipped inside work well too.

I used to have some laying around. I don't anymore. I wonder what happened to it all?B)
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