Updated version of AcroBox for iPhone/iPad


Pre-takeoff checklist
Dec 1, 2013
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A couple of weeks ago I launched AcroBox, an app for planning aerobatic boxes on iPhone and iPad. Several suggestions and several milligrams of caffeine later, I'm happy to announced an updated version that incorporates the most popular suggestions received along with a couple of twists I hope will make it more useful for club meets and play days.

The first change is the addition of a judges area. This area, as defined on the IAC web site, is the ideal location for judges and is located between 500' and 800' away from the box and centered on the Y axis. AcroBox displays this area as a lightly shaded rectangle and makes finding the ideal location for coaches and judges easy.

Next, the app now has the ability to print a box to any AirPrint wireless printer (most wireless printers sold in the last several years). This means that you can make a hardcopy printout from your iPhone or iPad to pin on the airport bulletin board, take with you, hand out at meets, etc. The coordinates of the aerobatic box are listed, and the displayed map is printed as well in a format that makes it easy to fold on half or view whole.


You'll also notice that there is a QR code on the printout. This is used with another major addition to the app: any box printed with AcroBox contains the complete box definition in QR form which can be scanned with the app. This allows volunteers to quickly get the box definition into their phone for helping place markers etc. along with distributing the box definition to pilots who want it on their own copy of AcroBox.

Several other changes and improvements are present as well. As always, the app is available free of charge and free of advertisements. Aviation is expensive enough as it is :-)

Thanks! Getting plugged in with IAC has been fun and so many people have been helpful I wanted to do something that would help others get started.

How about expanding the capabilities a bit but adding a feature to plan some aerobatic sequences (Once you get the current features sorted out of course)? For example, the user would select some particular manuevers, order them, and then the app will arrange them in Aresti symbol form and link the symbols to form a sequence that can be printed out.


Something like this seems like a natural evolution of this sort of app geared towards aerobatic pilots.

Or perhaps on a larger device like an iPad, the app could display both the sequence and the box.
Check out openaero.net if you haven't already. It's the Aresti sequence construction tool that most are using now.
Is this app limited to apple products only?