Update on urine tests

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Your cognition isn't something you're worried about? I would be, considering Doc Chien answered your question already and you missed it.

THC is fat soluble too... you can get THC stored in your fat, then work out months down the road after staying clean and then test dirty.

So the instant test the lab gives is a fail, so they send it in for a more accurate gas test which is 100% negative , the urine sample is the same sample ...
So the instant test the lab gives is a fail, so they send it in for a more accurate gas test which is 100% negative , the urine sample is the same sample ...
Doc Chien's comment: "The OTC test measures different cannabinoids from the controlled test. "

There may be some online resources that explain the details of the Walgreens test kit. If you can find out what it's looking for, you might be able to research how long that stuff remains in your body. And stay off the stuff.
Doc Chien's comment: "The OTC test measures different cannabinoids from the controlled test. "

I'm trying to figure out WHY they would test for different metabolites. Here's what I'm concluding: The lab wants to test for acute THC influence, such as DUI reasons. The home test kit wants to test for longer lasting metabolites, such as, does my kid ever smoke weed?

I know it doesn't make sense. You'd think the lab would also want to know about long term or chronic use, but I'm not a lab tech or drug test kit manufacturer so what do I know?
I'm trying to figure out WHY they would test for different metabolites. Here's what I'm concluding: The lab wants to test for acute THC influence, such as DUI reasons. The home test kit wants to test for longer lasting metabolites, such as, does my kid ever smoke weed?

The confirmatory test looks for both, THC and THC-COOH and other metabolites and report them separately. There are other cannabinoids beyond THC and some of the dipstick tests will give a false positive on those.
I am always amused by people who take drug tests and don't like the results, as if they were surprised with the answer.

It seems like one of the few tests in life, where you actually know the answer before you take it.
There still should be some limit to how long the stuff remains in your system at detectible levels. Unless the OP was so pickled it will take a year.
I am always amused by people who take drug tests and don't like the results, as if they were surprised with the answer.

It seems like one of the few tests in life, where you actually know the answer before you take it.

Hey, we actually agree on something.
When I was studying for the CASAC test, it was believed that certain diseases (mainly liver or kidney disease) could dramatically extend the clearance time of THC. A trip to your personal physician might be in order.

80 days, however, is not unheard of for a heavy user.

The whole thread is silly IMO.

He will not get tested.
If he did for whatever reason, his "real" test will be negative.

Unless he's going for an airline job, this thread has run its course.
Let's clear the air, I am in no way or was a heavy user , I hadn't smoked since I was in 10th grade and went almost 15 years since, I was taking a career change in January and started snokeing for stress, for you haters, smoking lowered my blood pressure, helped me lose 20lbs, and got me through a very rough time of life. I smoked for 8 months,once at the end of my day. I quit because I wanted to start flying again but wanted to do it the right way.
I guess everyone is missing the question. I passed a lab gas test they are extremely accurate , but for some reason I cannot pass an over the counter Walgreens instant test. That is what I'm wondering about . As for my cognitive level I'm not worried about that.
They never are.

Best of luck to the OP, but this lack of insight isn't promising. The cognitive effects of weed last for months after cessation.
I am always amused by people who take drug tests and don't like the results, as if they were surprised with the answer.

It's like taking a home pregnancy test over and over hoping for a different result.
There still should be some limit to how long the stuff remains in your system at detectible levels. Unless the OP was so pickled it will take a year.

The pot on the market today is far more potent than the stuff available when those testing thresholds and the pharmacokinetics were established.
It's like taking a home pregnancy test over and over hoping for a different result.
That doesn't seem like a very apt analogy. A person can stop engaging in the behavior that caused the pregnancy, but the effects of being pregnant will continue to increase over time nonetheless.
That doesn't seem like a very apt analogy. A person can stop engaging in the behavior that caused the pregnancy, but the effects of being pregnant will continue to increase over time nonetheless.

From what I recall in my high school biology classes, the effects on the body normally go away after about 9 months or so.
From what I recall in my high school biology classes, the effects on the body normally go away after about 9 months or so.
Which is why I didn't say "effects on the body." :)
Another reminder not to respond to trolls. You are only giving them the attention they want. Report the post if you suspect a troll.
Another reminder not to respond to trolls. You are only giving them the attention they want. Report the post if you suspect a troll.
I suspect trolls under every bridge. Does that mean I'm paranoid?
Not if you see them cutting through the support structure...
In Colorado they cut slowly. CDOT and the legislature have responded by doubling registration fees to circumvent TABOR restrictions. How do we fight such trolls?
I am always amused by people who take drug tests and don't like the results, as if they were surprised with the answer.

It seems like one of the few tests in life, where you actually know the answer before you take it.

Hey, we actually agree on something.

Have to admit, I was surprised too.

Another reminder not to respond to trolls. You are only giving them the attention they want. Report the post if you suspect a troll.

I missed something. Was there evidence shown that the OP was a troll vs an actual drug user, asking about OTC test behavior?
My feeling about responding to possible trolls is that if the issue presented and the advice returned have wide applicability across the Interwebs, then it's all good. More people read forums than participate in them.

My feeling about responding to possible trolls is that if the issue presented and the advice returned have wide applicability across the Interwebs, then it's all good. More people read forums than participate in them.


POA has a very committed contingent of members who race to declare "TROLL" and attempt to stop discussions and end threads.

For some reason, they seek to minimize content on the forum. Despite good information and insight being shared.

And, once the first "TROLL" comment is made, the sheep in the flock come waddling to throw their "TROLL" flags.

In my opinion, there needs to be tons of discussions about pot, and how we as a society, we as a hobby, we as employers, we as a generation, we as pilots, we as passengers, we as taxpayers, etc deal with the inevitable fact that pot is legal and pervasive.

What you learned and know from 20 years ago is Antique and obsolete.

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I don't feel like reading this whole thread, but I can bet at some point it turned into a p!ssing match.
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