Unicode Displays in IE fields


Pre-takeoff checklist
Feb 23, 2005
Charlotte NC
Display Name

Display name:
Ron Kinney
Ok, sorry for asking anohter computer question, but I have looked high and low for the answer to this and come up with nothing. Either Im not looking with the right search word or nobody knows the answer.

Running win xp Service pack 1, IE 6.

On some web sites when I make entrys in fields instead of the text displaying it shows unicode symbols for drawing boxes. I've checked all of my language settings and all of my options but I can't see what's going on. Luckily it's only on a few so I suspect that it's aproblem on the site and not my computer, but has anyone ever seen this and know a fix?
you must buy a Mac! :D:D

im sure all the computer nerds will give the real answer in 5...4...3...2....1...
Please provide some example sites where it happens.

It happens on my online payroll site HERE

Click on the Payroll One Online side logon button and when i type the branch Id etc.. it shows unicode. They have it so a direct link doesn't work.

The other major one one is the admin for my companys web site in the edit html tool. Ummmm not going to give that password out. lol. :D

I"ll use firefox if I have to. I've tried it, didnt like it. removed it long time ago. Same for opera.
I tried it in Netscape using Firefox and Internet Explorer engines and it displays OK for me. I ran the page through the w3 validator and it came up with a bunch of errors including "No character encoding found" so it might be very dependent on what your settings in IE are.

Since it is your company, I'd suggest you send this link to the person responsible for the page http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fpayroll1ondemand.com%2F

Here what I see in the login page:



Excuse the selection stuff, I was going to cut and paste html then decided a screen capture would be better.
Thanks! Ill pass it on.

And scratch my head over my settings again. It works fine on every other machine here - just mine messes up. :dunno: