Uncle Sam Knows....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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Call me an alarmist, but....

Got this email from my ISP (Charter); the government (FCC) wants to provide me with a "special free router" with software that will measure ISP performance to provide better benchmarking nationally of broadband performance from various carriers. It will "only add another 30-60GB of data transmitted per month", and my data "won't be shared with anyone else". :rolleyes2: Would you trust this? Or do you see it as making it super easy for the NSA / FCC / Feds to access everything you do online? (I'm sure the NSA can already do that, with or without warrants, legally or otherwise.)

Funny, the site for this actually is called "Sam Knows".... :yikes:

Here is the email from Charter, titled "We're Looking for Volunteers"

Dear Charter Internet® Customer,

Charter is proud to provide you with the fastest Internet service1. Each day more users, devices, streams and apps are seeking Internet connectivity and Charter is delivering it with faster upload and download speeds, greater reliability and a superior experience.

Our goal is to deliver the best Internet experience for our customers, because we know it's where you go to work, play, interact and be entertained.

To ensure that you and other Charter customers are receiving the fastest possible Internet speeds, we have a number of initiatives in place to manage and monitor our powerful network. One of these includes working with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and SamKnows to measure our broadband performance.

A Standard Test for Measuring Broadband Performance

As part of its National Broadband Plan, the FCC has established a standard test for measuring the broadband performance of various ISPs across the nation. This test covers every aspect of an Internet connection; from the speed of downloading a large file to the quality of video streaming or making a phone call over the Internet (VoIP). The purpose of the test is to provide consumers with significantly more information about actual broadband performance in America. We are working closely with the FCC and our fellow ISPs to ensure that these performance-measurement tests are as comprehensive and accurate as possible. Charter customers participated in this test last year and results indicate Charter consistently delivers the lightning fast Internet speeds we advertise. In fact, Charter ranked among the top performers. Last year's report - "Measuring Broadband America" is available at http://www.fcc.gov/measuring-broadband-america.

We're Looking for Volunteers to Assist in this Year's Testing

We are reaching out to you because the FCC is looking for volunteers to assist in the 2nd year of testing. If you're interested in learning more about the speed of your Internet connection, please visit the FCC sign-up page at http://www.testmyisp.com/ . If selected, you will receive a new NETGEAR router, enabled with the SamKnows performance-measurement software.

This specialized software will measure only the performance of your Internet connection, while providing you with access to data that was previously available only with very expensive network monitoring tools. Furthermore, your personal information will be strictly protected, and at no time will any of it be shared or made available without your consent.

Once your new router is up and running, you will be able to view all of your performance data via a secure online reporting system. Participation in the testing is expected to add approximately 20-60 GB to your overall monthly bandwidth usage.

Over the next few months, the FCC plans on releasing reports detailing the overall performance of broadband services throughout the U.S.

We appreciate your consideration in helping the FCC with this important study. For more information, please visit the FCC's website at http://www.testmyisp.com/.

Best regards,

Carl Leuschner
Vice President, Internet and Phone Product Management

Sites linked:

Test My ISP
Sam Knows
Up to 2GB/day just for monitoring? Wow!
And "your personal information will be strictly protected, and at no time will any of it be shared or made available without your consent. " What they don't mention is that in the license agreement that you'll just click through without reading, you are granting your consent for them to do whatever they please with all the data!
Up to 2GB/day just for monitoring? Wow!
And "your personal information will be strictly protected, and at no time will any of it be shared or made available without your consent. " What they don't mention is that in the license agreement that you'll just click through without reading, you are granting your consent for them to do whatever they please with all the data!

So you're saying I'm not paranoid, right? :)
Well, that's exactly what I would expect them to say.

Personally, I'd tell them I'd rather have the money the government spent on the whitebox.

I might be inclined to tell Charter that I don't want to make it any easier for a government agency to have access to my data. And ask if there's any provision or capability to block access to your personal, internal network from this router (including indemnification if someone breaks into your personal computers/network due to any potential security flaws in said router). I'd also be curious if the extra 30+ GB of data will impair your connection or count against any bandwidth shaping/limitations that Charter imposes.

Why again are our tax dollars being spent for this?
Free Internet for a year?
> the government (FCC) wants to provide me with a "special free router" with software

When the case is so weak that a Judge won't sign a warrant, they ask the subj of the
investigation to volunteer.