Crane Pilot
Pre-takeoff checklist
The other day i was at one of the local airports and started talking to a pilot who was going up for some currency work. Well that didn't work so good for him as the airplane was broke. After a bit of chit chat he told me he was going up to get some IFR work in on approches to keep his IFR currency with the required landings. Now with that being said it was total VFR weather and not even marginal IFR, and he had no saftey pilot going with him, he truly thought he could do practice different instrument approches by his self. this guy also said he has 1180 hrs and just gonna gain another 20 to make the 1200 needed to get on with a 135 carrier. Now i just wonder how much of his time is real/legal or how much would be considered not legal, but since i was'nt there for the rest of his time but........ REALLY 1180hrs and didn' know he had to have a saftey pilot to do IFR work in VFR weather what the hell was he taught in the first place. I am just barley a student pilot and i know that.