U-2 Spy Plane Fries ATC!

They must have recently upgraded their systems from Windows XP. :D
They must have recently upgraded their systems from Windows XP. :D

Using that logic, it would be more accurate to use something like DOS. Our information displays (containing our procedures, approach plates, weather/ATIS info) are still based off DOS, and the tech guys have to keep a stock of 5.25" floppy disks around to update he information.
Computers make everything better.

(Says the guy who's made a really nice living fixing broken ones. Some day people are going to actually catch on and truly manage their IT in such a way that it either has to make or save the company money or it gets replaced with a filing cabinet.)

Flight strips don't crash. ;)
This is the government, the probably just finished the upgrade to windows xp.

FAA IACRA website still does not allow to log in via Chrome and says:

LOGIN ERROR - You have attempted to use a browser that is currently unsupported by the IACRA website. You must use Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher or Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or higher in order to use IACRA at this time.
Trying to understand what a military ISR aircraft might have done from a press release based news story is a waste of time. Even if it involved systems a typical pilot is aware of operational rules might be very different.

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