Type Certificate and IFR


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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If the TCDS for an aircraft does not permit or prohibit IFR (or VFR for that matter) operations, then is it OK? Aircraft in question is a Taylorcraft BC-12. Type Certificate is here. I tried to find CAR 04 (the basis for certification) and I thought I remembered being able to access the old Regs on the FAA's website, but darned if I could find it.
Don't know the answer, but if you go here
they will be able to tell you rather quickly.
It is free to sign up and be able to post in their forums.

Mark B
hehe greg, yea i suppose. ive registered anyway (what the heck another aviation forum...) but who knows how long it will take my email to get the registration email. Iowa States webmail is historically slow with such requests.
heh i just searched the entire forum for "ifr" and got no matches.
If the aircraft's operating limitations do not preclude IFR flight, the all you need to do is make sure it is equipped as to 91.205 and have all the inspections. Things as old as Taylorcraft and Navions will not have such a restriction.

Aircraft certificated in more modern times will specifically spell out the day VFR, night VFR, or IFR restrictions.