My takeoff in virtually all GA aircraft I've flown, definitely involves rotation.
My M.O. is to wait until the airspeed approaches the bottom of the white arc, and then gently lift, or rotate, the nose to a climb attitude. The mains will lift when they're ready, at close to my normal climb speed and attitude. Typically this happens a short, but definite time after rotation. .
I basically mimic what I see airliners do, and it works for me.
Even in a taildragger, after lifting the tail up, I still go for a "rotation" just before flying speed is reached.
Of course, this is modified in gusty crosswinds, and in a soft field takeoff the rotation occurs earlier and in a short field takeoff I'll often leave it on the ground to Vx or Vy as appropriate.
Edited to add: Just looked at the POH for my Sky Arrow:
5. 51KCAS (50KIAS)........ROTATE
In normal takeoffs I tend to start my rotation earlier, but just pointing out the word is sometimes used in small GA POH's.
Edited yet again to add:
From the Cirrus SR22 POH:
4. Elevator Control ........................ ROTATE Smoothly at 70-73 KIAS