Final Approach
I flew the NORDO Cub down to a nearby Class D airport with its own approach control. [I brought a handheld radio.] About 20 miles out I called up approach and reported position and intention to land at the airport. He gave me a squawk. I reported, "Unable, no transponder." So he tells me, "Do you want RADAR service? If not, you can just call the tower." I told him that'd be fine with me, he gave me the tower frequency, and that was that. But he sounded kind of irritated.
I know that I don't have to contact approach for a D, but I figured it was the right thing to do. This airport has some commuter jet traffic, and is in a busy transition area, so I figured I'd talk to him. But is that a waste of time if I don't have a transponder? I don't know if there's even enough metal in a Cub to get a primary return.
Second question, when I landed, tower told me to "remain this frequency," for ground. So when I started up to leave, I called up on the tower frequency. I called with "tower" and he responded with "ground," but was the same guy when I called for takeoff clearance. Even though I knew there was only one guy in the tower, should I have made my initial call on the ground freq?
I don't think it was a big deal in either case this day, I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing in the furture.
I know that I don't have to contact approach for a D, but I figured it was the right thing to do. This airport has some commuter jet traffic, and is in a busy transition area, so I figured I'd talk to him. But is that a waste of time if I don't have a transponder? I don't know if there's even enough metal in a Cub to get a primary return.
Second question, when I landed, tower told me to "remain this frequency," for ground. So when I started up to leave, I called up on the tower frequency. I called with "tower" and he responded with "ground," but was the same guy when I called for takeoff clearance. Even though I knew there was only one guy in the tower, should I have made my initial call on the ground freq?
I don't think it was a big deal in either case this day, I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing in the furture.
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