Can anyone else confirm there is no max EGT? What concerns me most is that I think I was running near only 35% power and the EGTs went off the chart. Maybe I have a misperception here, but I had assumed that with all else the same, and increase in MP would result in an increase in EGT. But, if that were true, where would those temps be if I increased MP to 20 or even up to 28"?
Could it have been rough simply because, when leaning, the power was so low, or maybe the rpms were at minimum?
Max EGT will be around 1750*f, that's where you start into weakening of the metal of the exhaust tubing and risk burning through. Pretty mush same for TIT as for metallurgic problems, however you also have oil heat/ coking in the bearing and thermal expansion issues to consider with a turbo.
EGTs only go 'off the chart' if you have an engine issue. You basically need a hung valve or bad injector nozzle or something that is pouring raw fuel and air into the exhaust pipe basically turning it into the "burner can" of a jet engine if you have a turbo.
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