While such items on a woman have no appeal to me, she's certainly entitled to dress as she wishes and there is no one who will convince me this action by the TSA was necessary.I think the TSA was moronic and over the top here.
I also think that nipple rings are moronic, thus they equal out!
It was a threat to her own personal safety as well as humiliating. As has been said, what are they going to do when they encounter someone with metal orthopedic components permanently implanted? Will they demand those be removed?
I recently met a kid who is working on his private ticket while also working as a school dispatcher. His dreams of flying for the military were shattered when an injury caused him to have a four-inch piece of titanium inserted with eight screws just below his elbow. I asked him about airport security and he said so far it hasn't been a problem. They simply wand his bare arm. Somehow, I don't expect that luck to continue.
The TSA went over the top and they should pay for it. I'm not big on tort claims but it seems such is the only way to some things out into the open for more public scrutiny.
"To professionalize, we must Federalize!" --Tom Daschle