Atlanta has the most screwed up checkpoints at any airport I've been through. But last time I was there, they didn't have body scanners on the outermost lanes.In Atlanta I seem to get patted down about 8 out 10 times, for some reason the screen on the nude a scope says I have something on my leg, my arm, or my chest, none of these areas have anything there, either they are getting a lot of false positives, or just playing games and someone is pushing buttons from a place we do not see, it only happens in Atlanta no where else, maybe it is my bored I hate all of you TSA shirts and this is a waste of time attitude on my face as I move through the line at 6:00 AM.
And the TSA should be REQUIRED to release the tape...
I have had TSA pre-check for a awhile now, but whenever I go through, I'm always selected for additional screening, which consists of having my hands swabbed for the trace detector. It happens at least 9 out of 10 times I fly. I walk through the metal detector, and then after I've cleared it, there's a beep and I'm told I've been "randomly" selected. It is 100% predictable. Today, I didn't hear the beep (if there was one) but a TSO pulled me aside as I was grabbing my carry-on off the conveyor.
There's no reason I should be on anyone's list. I had no trouble with the pre-check approval, and I've never had a problem with a background check. It's really just a minor inconvenience, and slightly comical when the TSO tells me I was randomly selected and I correct him/her. But I'm wondering if anyone else has had this experience or knows how/why it is happening.
I'm hot enough that this is believable, but I usually only get a hand swab, no cupping.
Are you involved in farming and/or handle fertilizer? Some airports have nitrate sniffers in the walk through as well, and if you have fertilizer dust on you or your clothes, you'll set them off. I finished fertilizing a field once and had to go straight to the airport, I lit that sucker off so hard 5 guys came running.![]()
Unluckily random I'm thinking. Once they scan your boarding pass, it's completely random what order you actually go through the scanner. I could have my BP scanned and then let 3 people go in front of me or (more likely) jump ahead of 3 people because they take 40 forevers emptying their pockets. The only time they see your name or systematically 'flag' you is when they scan your BP.
Since they can't systematically flag you after you're past the BP scanning piece, it HAS to be random, since profiling isn't allowed, right?
In the past my bags always got tagged. TSA said the sniffer probably picked up the residual fuel/oil from setting my bags on the GA ramp. No idea if that was true or BS.
They scan the boarding pass at the id check, and it runs through the computers. No reason why it couldn't pull up and display the same, or more, information for the eye in the sky. And then it works be nothing for the guy watching the monitors to push a button when the right person gets to the metal detector.
Definitely plausible. I did get stopped for 'random extra security check' the first 3 times I went through with PreCheck. Haven't had any extra attention since then... Maybe I was 'flagged' as a newbie.
If it is random selection quota filling I'm guessing the op is friendly looking and non smelly. If you have to pick people for extra scrutiny in a theatre job might as well go with clean and easy.