TSA, just how STUPID can you be?


May 12, 2007
Marin County, CA
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I'm sorry, there's just no better word for it.

TSA just published their "sensitive" screening procedures online. They've even redacted some of it, but simply put black boxes on top of the text (so you can still easily read it by just highlighting the text in Adobe Acrobat or any other PDF reader).

Seriously? Wow.


Yep..doc is still live.. and if you copy/paste from adobe, the material underlying the black box overlay (redaction attempt) is able to be read.. interesting what minutiae they consider sensitive..
Page not found at 22:09 ET

Someone send me a copy.
Here ya go.

I am curious if cut and paste to get the redacted stuff only works on Acrobat but not Acrobat Reader. I only have the full version. Anyone want to test Reader?

Just tried it. Cut and paste to Word and the redacted text is available. (using Reader)
Here ya go.

I am curious if cut and paste to get the redacted stuff only works on Acrobat but not Acrobat Reader. I only have the full version. Anyone want to test Reader?
I tried it earlier and it worked with just Reader.
Here ya go.

I am curious if cut and paste to get the redacted stuff only works on Acrobat but not Acrobat Reader. I only have the full version. Anyone want to test Reader?

You can copy and paste into notepad and the blacked out shows up. I couldn't view it by just selecting it in reader. But I could highlight and paste into notepad, and read it.

Hey, TSA - suck this!!
*degeneration X gesture*

That's for you Nick. :D
Arrogance -

exempted from enhanced screening - FEMA employees on orders and members of congress.

I especially like this part...
The Supervisory TSO (STSO) must protect all SOPs at checkpoints and screening locations from unauthorized use and properly secure them at all times.
All electronic copies of the SOPs, for example, those contained on digital video disks (DVDs) and TSA approved Thumb Drives, must be password protected and stored in locked containers when not in use. All hardcopies of the SOPs and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs

) must be placed in stand-alone binders, appropriately marked, and separated from other SSI materials (for example, ETD alarm logs, calibration/verification forms, and shift reports). Individual binders or folders containing these items may be stored together in storage cabinets, file cabinets, or desk drawers.
D. The Federal Security Director (FSD) must make this SOP and the Screening Checkpoint and Checked Baggage Screening SOPs and other required documents accessible to the TSOs, Lead TSOs (LTSOs), STSOs, Transportation Security Managers (TSMs), Deputy Assistant FSDs (DAFSDs) for Screening, Assistant FSDs (AFSDs) for Screening and Deputy FSDs (DFSDs). FSDs may authorize members of his
or her staff to sign out copies of the SOPs to be taken home for the purpose of test preparation, provided strict controls are in place to ensure accountability of each SOP document removed, as well as adherence to appropriate SSI handling procedures.

If an SOP or medium of storage (DVD, Thumb Drive) containing an SOP is lost or stolen, immediately send an e-mail to SSI@dhs.gov. Identify the item reported missing, include a thorough description, and provide point of contact information.
F. Do not leave checked baggage security media (for example, TSA NOIs) unattended. Lock checked baggage security media in a file cabinet or desk drawer when not in use. Access to these materials must be strictly limited to TSOs who have a legitimate need to use them in the performance of their duties. If checked baggage security media are lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised, FSDs must report the incident and circumstances surrounding the event to the Transportation Security Operations Center (TSOC) and their Area Director.

Guess it's time to send an email to dhs and tell them it was lost.

Mirror site: www.cryptome.org

After my most recent run-ins with the TSA checkpoint folks - including one that claimed that passengers have "no right to express opinions at the checkpoint" and if they do "will call the police to interrogate [paassengers] for more than an hour to make sure they miss their flights" - posting material like this on the web is no surprise. At least the guy who was subject to the abuse I witnessed had the wherewithall to not argue but instead kept asking the TSA guy: "so you're telling me I have no right to free speech" and "are you threatening me?"..... he didn't argue, he didn't raise his voice, but one of the screeners was running around screaming and whining (very loudly so everyone could hear): "He called me an idiot". The guy told me later it was all he could do to avoid saying that the screener was just proving his point by whining.....
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And what's even worse?

Great ... I clicked ... now I have a reason for TSA to confiscate my laptop ... like they really NEED a reason ... ;)
The document reads a lot better if a German accent is used.


Five Transportation Security Administration employees have been placed on administrative leave since it was discovered that sensitive guidelines about airport passenger screening were posted on the Internet.

I don't believe that for an instant :rolleyes::rolleyes: NOT!

After all the TSA said iteself that:
the security playbook, prepared in May 2008, is out of date and sensitive methods have been updated six times since then, adding in a statement that "TSA is confident that screening procedures currently in place remain strong."

So were the documents sensitive or not? If they were not and out of date, what was the harm? Or maybe one of the statements from the TSA is a lie?
I don't believe that for an instant :rolleyes::rolleyes: NOT!

The quoted source is NPR, which leans in your general direction...
