Scraps Plan To Toughen Private Air Travel Rules
February 5, 2010
The Transportation Security Administration is backing off a controversial plan to impose tough new security requirements on private planes and small airports.
Now, the TSA is scrapping major portions of that proposal.
TSA general aviation manager Brian Delauter said the agency now plans to collaborate more with the industry on security.
"We're going to be ten times more successful in partnership than ... being combative back and forth to each other," Delauter said.
Delauter told NPR that his agency will substantially increase the size of the airplanes covered by a revised security plan coming out this fall. Regulators had contemplated covering aircraft that weigh only about as much as two SUV's.
Also, the TSA will rely more on pilots to keep their flights secure.
"They wanted the onus on them. So, we're going to put the responsibility on them," he said.
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