TSA at it's best

Once you allow a bunch of idiots, lead by the biggest idiot of all, Janet Napolitano, to determine all Americans are henceforth, under her thumb, you get this and more. TSA has become the biggest joke in the world, and in the eyes of the world, we are the bigger idiots for allowing this type of outrageous destruction of freedom to take place, without a revolt.

Osama certainly won this round. Janet must be so proud.

Janet IS a man-caused disaster
Oh yeah, never was a problem with the TSA until Janet. Why under Tom Ridge and Micheal Chertoff the DHS was the model of efficiency and a reasonable government agency :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Oh yeah, never was a problem with the TSA until Janet. Why under Tom Ridge and Micheal Chertoff the DHS was the model of efficiency and a reasonable government agency :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Some people just seem to forget where the taking of our freedoms began. The problem doesn't carry a "D" or "R" moniker after it, the problem is government. Once it gets its nose under the tent it's game over.
Are we all sure this went down like the article said? Did the old lady really have to give up her diaper? Was she really detained 45 minutes? Or was the whole thing a big exaggeration that got picked up and snowballed on the internet? I just see a lot of stuff every day that gets blown way out of proportion, then sort of takes on a life of its own.
Perfect line to end a story about an adult diaper. :rofl:

Not much value to the sophomoric lines for those that had to deal with incontinence (either their own or with elderly relatives).
Janet - the system worked - Napolitano has to be the dumbest person ever to head an agency. The people working for her are such a disaster that we'll only read the statistics of their stupidity, pretty soon. It's too much to try and keep up with their idiotic, behavior.
If you select 1 out of 6 passengers for the "extra screening" then 5 out of 6 "terrorists" will pass through.

What's the point?

If the nudeoscope and pat downs actually worked TSA could claim:

"We've reduced the chance of a terrorist blowing up an airplane by 17%."
Oh yeah, never was a problem with the TSA until Janet. Why under Tom Ridge and Micheal Chertoff the DHS was the model of efficiency and a reasonable government agency :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I never said that Janet is solely repsonsible for the idiocy of the TSA, BUT she IS a fruit loop. I speak from experience - she used to be the governor of my home state.
After trashing the place, they climbed back into the Citation and left, one of them was the pilot.

I had never in my life seen such an example of spoiled wealthy brats, and I probably will never see it again, I hope.

The wealthy can indeed be complete jerks.


Simple solution: tax them into oblivion. :rolleyes::rolleyes2::rolleyes:
Are we all sure this went down like the article said? Did the old lady really have to give up her diaper? Was she really detained 45 minutes? Or was the whole thing a big exaggeration that got picked up and snowballed on the internet? I just see a lot of stuff every day that gets blown way out of proportion, then sort of takes on a life of its own.

According to the following article, both the TSA and the daughter say that the woman was not told to give up her diaper - however the TSA's setup and procedure created circumstances such that that appeared to be the only viable option:

According to the following article, both the TSA and the daughter say that the woman was not told to give up her diaper - however the TSA's setup and procedure created circumstances such that that appeared to be the only viable option:

Looks like Ms. Weber is changing her story. Evidently they weren't so terrible to her mother after all. Evidently, the TSA agents were very professional, anyway according to Ms. Weber. Reading between the lines here, is it possible that someone was more concerned that Ms. Weber's mother shouldn't have to sit through a flight in **** filled diapers than Ms. Weber was? To tell you the truth, that is what it looks like to me.
According to the following article, both the TSA and the daughter say that the woman was not told to give up her diaper - however the TSA's setup and procedure created circumstances such that that appeared to be the only viable option:


"the options offered them were to remove the diaper or "she was not going to get on the plane."

TSA - providing a 17% reduction in the probabality that a terroist will get through the passenger checkpoint with a bomb...
"the options offered them were to remove the diaper or "she was not going to get on the plane."
I saw an interview with the daughter and she stated that they also had the option of getting the luggage off the airplane to access a clean diaper but she didn't think there was time. The daughter also stated that the agents acted professionally even though she didn't agree with they were saying.
Are those searches in private rooms under surveillance, or is it a completely private private affair where anything that happens in there is your word against theirs?
My weekly experience is the latter.
So what if there was one cranky, politically active old broad that blew herself up in the middle east. Is that supposed to be something for us to look up to as a statistically significant holy grail? That we can pick out 100% of cranky old broads?
One guy tried to light his tennis shoe on fire and now we all have to remove shoes to go through security. So yes, one politically active person can change the way we handle "security".
Looks like Ms. Weber is changing her story. Evidently they weren't so terrible to her mother after all. Evidently, the TSA agents were very professional, anyway according to Ms. Weber. Reading between the lines here, is it possible that someone was more concerned that Ms. Weber's mother shouldn't have to sit through a flight in **** filled diapers than Ms. Weber was? To tell you the truth, that is what it looks like to me.

That's not really TSA's call now is it?
My weekly experience is the latter.
You can always demand a police officer be present. I would highly recommend doing so in case the TSA thugs do anything you need a witness for.

Police officers = generally not fans of TSA. Quite the opposite...
You can always demand a police officer be present. I would highly recommend doing so in case the TSA thugs do anything you need a witness for.

Police officers = generally not fans of TSA. Quite the opposite...

I would rather not have any witnesses.
"Don't move. Put your hands where I can see them."

Which would you like Officer?
I would rather not have any witnesses.
There are two agents in the room for almost all of the process. The only exception is when one steps out to do the explosive detection test.
Well....what a surprise: Cancer clusters in TSA workers.

I also like that the TSA - according to NIST itself - mischaracterized NIST's role in claiming that NIST had certified that the scanners were safe. NIST, of course, never tested the scanners.
Well....what a surprise: Cancer clusters in TSA workers.

I also like that the TSA - according to NIST itself - mischaracterized NIST's role in claiming that NIST had certified that the scanners were safe. NIST, of course, never tested the scanners.

Surely Janet Napolitano would never lie about something as important as cancer risks from the boondoggle scanners she demanded the public buy for her private army of 7-11 quality workers. The head of a gov't department would never lie to the people just to spend billions on more crap.
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From the Well Ain't This Just Jim Dandy file:


Exposed documents reveal Napolitano, TSA lied about safety of cancer-causing naked body scanners

(NaturalNews) Remember when Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano claimed back in 2010 that the US Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) naked body scanners had been proven safe by research conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (http://epic.org/privacy/backscatter...)? A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request recently brought to light internal emails that were sent by NIST to DHS that basically decry Napolitano's false assertion that NIST had verified the safety of the naked body scanners.

Amid the string of emails discussing the matter, an undisclosed sender explains that NIST was "a little concerned" over Napolitano's public reassurances that TSA's naked body scanners are safe. After all, NIST does not test products, and it never tested the naked body scanners in the first place. Napolitano apparently took the individual machine dose measurements that NIST had gathered and twisted them to say what she wanted them to say, which was that the machines are safe.

Worse, NIST had actually warned DHS and TSA that the machines were not necessarily safe, and that airport screening agents should avoid standing next to them because of the harmful radiation they emit. It is unclear whether or not this warning was ever taken seriously by TSA officials.

Napolitano also falsely claimed that research conducted by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory confirms the safety of naked body scanners, even though the research actually suggests the opposite. Dr. Michael Love from the school publicly stated that the machines are going to give people skin cancer, and the specific findings of the report indicate that "radiation zones" around the machines emit enough radiation to exceed the "General Public Dose Limit."
Surely Janet Napolitano would never lie about something as important as cancer risks from the boondoggle scanners she demanded the puibic buy for her private army of 7-11 quality workers. The head of a gov't department would never lie to the people just to spend billions on more crap.

Don't insult 7-11 workers like that. Not nice.
7-11 workers were insulted, not me. Sorry, not a fan of the TSA.

Florida Cracker; said:
No worries but if I insulted anyone with my 7-11 remark, it was unintentional.

I am very sorry if I insulted any 7-11 workers unintentionally.

Please accept my heartfelt apology.
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And yet another new low....


Assuming that the story is true, it's disgusting behavior.

I am a disabled Viet-Nam vet with full blown MS and use a power wheelchair, this evening fly out of MCO I was treated like a terriost(?).
.....5 TSA agents took me to a room and stronged armed me by removing me from my wheelchair phyiscaly and them making me strip of my mickey shorts and my Marine Corps polo shirt and Mickey socks. Leaving me there in the room naked.
I just think that it is too bad that we (baby boomer generation) have messed up a good thing (a life of freedom in the United States of America) for my grandchildren. The behavior of the DHS/TSA is only one result. There are many, many more.
I don't get why people are mad. You've all been voting for government babysitters and welfarism for the better part of the 20th century. You can be upset when hey do something you don't like, you gave them the power and right to do it.
I don't get why people are mad. You've all been voting for government babysitters and welfarism for the better part of the 20th century. You can be upset when hey do something you don't like, you gave them the power and right to do it.

Not guilty:

1) The TSA doesn't bother me because, to me, there are so many things more bothersome.

2) I've been voting for those crazy Libertarians
[*] since I was first allowed to vote. None of them has won. As a result, I can say that I have voted for my principles and that none of what the government does has my blessing.

[*] Like any large enough group, some Libertarian candidates are crazy and should not be in power. But, absent the "crazy" principle of limited government, there are many fine candidates among their ranks.
Not guilty:

1) The TSA doesn't bother me because, to me, there are so many things more bothersome.

2) I've been voting for those crazy Libertarians
[*] since I was first allowed to vote. None of them has won. As a result, I can say that I have voted for my principles and that none of what the government does has my blessing.
[*] Like any large enough group, some Libertarian candidates are crazy and should not be in power. But, absent the "crazy" principle of limited government, there are many fine candidates among their ranks.

You're right. Government controlling our lives, abuse of government power, and the government breaking the law is a good thing.

It's a good idea to give the government as much power as possible.

The more power, the greater likelyhood of abuse and corruption of said powers.
Surely Janet Napolitano would never lie about something as important as cancer risks from the boondoggle scanners she demanded the public buy for her private army of 7-11 quality workers. The head of a gov't department would never lie to the people just to spend billions on more crap.
Why the insult on 7-11 workers?
Why the insult on 7-11 workers?

Re: TSA at it's best
Originally Posted by Ghery
7-11 workers were insulted, not me. Sorry, not a fan of the TSA.

Originally Posted by Florida Cracker;
No worries but if I insulted anyone with my 7-11 remark, it was unintentional.

I am very sorry if I insulted any 7-11 workers unintentionally.

Please accept my heartfelt apology.