Trying to get 3rd class medical with class C misdemeanour(not traffic) convictions

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Re: Trying to get 3rd class medical with class C misdemeanour(not traffic) conviction

First off, who cares.

If you're doing it away from work or vehicles or heavy equipment etc, it's no ones business.

Second I've had more folks get hurt, try to start fights, and do overall dumb crap when drunk compared to stoned

Correct, I don't care... IF they are a recreational user. I was under the impression this thread was talking about (the OP) a habitual user, which runs a risk intermingling aviation with weed (or booze as the case may be).
Re: Trying to get 3rd class medical with class C misdemeanour(not traffic) conviction

I know a couple Nobel Prize winners. Does that count?

He said *contributing* to society. Sheesh! ;)

First off, who cares.

If you're doing it away from work or vehicles or heavy equipment etc, it's no ones business.

Second I've had more folks get hurt, try to start fights, and do overall dumb crap when drunk compared to stoned

Having listened to police dispatch for decades I'd have to say alcohol mixed with there being two sexes causes the vast majority of societal problems that require adult babysitting by PD, and by far the most deaths. "Bath salts" are on the rise slowly though. Hallucinating people don't function too well.
Re: Trying to get 3rd class medical with class C misdemeanour(not traffic) conviction

Correct, I don't care... IF they are a recreational user. I was under the impression this thread was talking about (the OP) a habitual user, which runs a risk intermingling aviation with weed (or booze as the case may be).

Well, I don't think anyone is advocating for that. Certain privileges incur restrictions on behaviors that might otherwise be none of anyone's business.

As for Michael's Nobel Prize-winning pothead friends, I have no issue with that particular nexus. A braniac who fires up a dooby while pondering the imponderable is unlikely to cause any harm to anyone. Neither have I any problem with Nobel laureate Kary Mullis' open admission that he doubts he would have invented PCR were he not an LSD user. If it expands his mind and helps bring about great discoveries, more power to him.

Flying an airplane, however, is another story.

Re: Trying to get 3rd class medical with class C misdemeanour(not traffic) conviction

The Noble Prize lost all credibility when it was awarded to Obama.

Chemistry and Medicine. I knew them long ago, and doubt that they would recognize or even remember me. I can think of a few members of the national academy while I'm at it. Heck, seemed like everyone was smoking weed in Southern California.

Colorado was supposed to have some sort of drug fueled apocalypse after legalization, at least if you listened to the detractors. As far as I can tell nothing of the sort has happened.
Re: Trying to get 3rd class medical with class C misdemeanour(not traffic) conviction

Chemistry and Medicine. I knew them long ago, and doubt that they would recognize or even remember me. I can think of a few members of the national academy while I'm at it. Heck, seemed like everyone was smoking weed in Southern California.

Colorado was supposed to have some sort of drug fueled apocalypse after legalization, at least if you listened to the detractors. As far as I can tell nothing of the sort has happened.

I saw some smoke rising from one corner of the Broncos' celebration on TV. Was supposed to be not allowed at the event.

As best as I can tell the world didn't explode or anything. Maybe I missed it.
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