It was in Milwaukee after all, and they didn't specify what TYPE of beverage, so I guess it fits!
I was thinking the same thing.
Could it have been a can of Cheese Whiz he was drinking down. Those are pretty sturdy cans.
Blasphemer! Good God, man. This was in Wisconsin. That stuff's not allowed in these parts.
BS, especially a modern truck with power brakes, that can wouldn't stand the first chance of blocking the brake, it will puncture and collapse first.
I was warned of this years ago when learning to drive, that a loose object in the drivers seat could slide down and get stuck behind the pedal, preventing me from braking.
Could you elaborate on how a car with power brakes will crush a object under the pedal where as non-power won't?
Could you elaborate on how a car with power brakes will crush a object under the pedal where as non-power won't?
DuPont Cheese outside of Clintonville.Very true. One of my favorite weekend activities is to sample all the offerings at Brennan's Market.
Could you elaborate on how a car with power brakes will crush a object under the pedal where as non-power won't?