Truck hits jet...

Hmmmm...... So then as a tangent from that, maybe during my checkride the gum on my shoe can be the excuse for why I flew in uncoordinated flight at times. "Sorry Mr/Mrs Examiner, the rudder pedal got stuck to the gum on my shoe..."
Wingnut reasons for events like this happen ALL the time on really busy ramps.
It was in Milwaukee after all, and they didn't specify what TYPE of beverage, so I guess it fits!
Could it have been a can of Cheese Whiz he was drinking down. Those are pretty sturdy cans.
Blasphemer! Good God, man. This was in Wisconsin. That stuff's not allowed in these parts. :D

Very true. One of my favorite weekend activities is to sample all the offerings at Brennan's Market.
BS, especially a modern truck with power brakes, that can wouldn't stand the first chance of blocking the brake, it will puncture and collapse first.
BS, especially a modern truck with power brakes, that can wouldn't stand the first chance of blocking the brake, it will puncture and collapse first.


I was warned of this years ago when learning to drive, that a loose object in the drivers seat could slide down and get stuck behind the pedal, preventing me from braking.

I was warned of this years ago when learning to drive, that a loose object in the drivers seat could slide down and get stuck behind the pedal, preventing me from braking.

Sure, and back in the 60s a can might actually win. Today the can will explode/split and crush underfoot.
Could you elaborate on how a car with power brakes will crush a object under the pedal where as non-power won't?
Could you elaborate on how a car with power brakes will crush a object under the pedal where as non-power won't?

I think Henning was talking about the steel beverage cans of the '60s vs. aluminum cans.

Yes, I'm a dinosaur and remember those. Before pop tops, you actually put the can in a slot on the machine and pushed down a lever to puncture two holes in the can.
Very true. One of my favorite weekend activities is to sample all the offerings at Brennan's Market.
DuPont Cheese outside of Clintonville. :thumbsup:


Fresh cheese curds, et al.

Squeak, squeak, squeak.
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Could you elaborate on how a car with power brakes will crush a object under the pedal where as non-power won't?

The car doesn't crush it, your foot pressure crushes it, the edges of the pedal steel crease and split the thin aluminum. The only real difference power brakes make is that more of your leg force is left over to do the crushing and the pedal forces required for input are reduced to near nothing. Try it in your driveway with a can of club soda and the engine idling, see if you can use it to block yourself from being able to actuate the brakes. I bet it provides only minimal resistance before it pops and hisses spewing out the drink.