Cleared for Takeoff
I know every plane is a little different, but I wanted to know where people generally have their trim set on final. The flight school I use has 5 warriors; three pa28-161's, and two pa28-151's. I usually use the 161 version, but will fly in different planes. I am still having some problems getting a good smooth flair on landing at times. On my last lesson that may have been a result of not flying for a few weeks, and (even though it sounds like an excuse), the plane a flew this time is generally my least favorite. To me this plane seems to need a lot of forward trim to fly level, and when I set up for landing I feel I need a lot of back trim in addition to the plane feeling like it needs more back pressure than the others I have flown.
So where do most people put their trim settings on final?
So where do most people put their trim settings on final?