
Pre-takeoff checklist
Sep 20, 2012
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I am a 100hr pilot who received my PPL-ASEL certificate 3 months ago. Upon contacting approach while flying a rental 172 into Boise class C last week I was given a squawk code and asked to ident. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the ident button on the transponder was missing. THere was the little hole where it should be but wasn't. I did not relay this info. to ATC and instead pressed the "test" button. ATC again asked to ID and again I pressed the "test" button. I was then asked to make a 30 degree turn at which point contact was made and everything worked out fine.....other than the fact they changed runways on me 3 times within 10 miles of the airport. HOW WOULD YOU FELLERS HAVE RELAYED THIS INFORMATION TO ATC? Thanks in advance
"Bugsmasher 35x 4 miles NW of xxx, my ident button broke off".
Not sure they still do this, but years ago I got a letter requesting verification that my intermittent transponder was repaired after I had problems in an ARSA. Do they still do this?
Stuck the tip of my paperclip from my approach plate book in the hole and hit the switch behind it.
Not sure they still do this, but years ago I got a letter requesting verification that my intermittent transponder was repaired after I had problems in an ARSA. Do they still do this?

If they do, I'm still waiting for a letter from Harrisburg Approach and ZNY from 2010.
I am a 100hr pilot who received my PPL-ASEL certificate 3 months ago. Upon contacting approach while flying a rental 172 into Boise class C last week I was given a squawk code and asked to ident. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the ident button on the transponder was missing. THere was the little hole where it should be but wasn't. I did not relay this info. to ATC and instead pressed the "test" button. ATC again asked to ID and again I pressed the "test" button. I was then asked to make a 30 degree turn at which point contact was made and everything worked out fine.....other than the fact they changed runways on me 3 times within 10 miles of the airport. HOW WOULD YOU FELLERS HAVE RELAYED THIS INFORMATION TO ATC? Thanks in advance

I would have told them the IDENT button was missing.