PPL LOG: 7th Flight 11/3/13
Another day where I woke up, looked outside, and said "looks like ground training today". Yet again everything got nicer on my drive over to the airport
Had some decently nasty cross winds going on during take off because we hadnt switched runways yet, so I got some practice holding a wing down and avoiding being blown away
This was actually a very relaxing flight, with no maneuvers which was a cool change. It basically consisted of my flying around, and my instructor hitting breakers and asking if anything seemed wrong. We spoke about various types of failures in the vacuum and electrical realm, and what to do in each situation. We spoke about what sort of failures are the sort of thing we declare an emergency for, and which ones are more of just a pain in the ass.
I did some flying with "broken" altimeter, engine speed, airspeed, heading, etc. Honestly the one that bothered me the most was the altimeter. It is easy enough to visually know you are not going to hit the ground or a mountain, but seeing small changes in altitude is almost impossible for me without it.
We spoke a bit about the errors of the magnetic compass, and how it can over/undershoot heading depending on the pole you are going towards.
I learned a lot about the electrical systems of the airplane, how the battery charges, what denotes a charging/discharging battery, how to lessen the load by disabling unnecessary systems in the event of an alternator malfunction, etc. It was really an informative flight, and nice to just cruise for a change and not worry about my horrible steep turns
I added arrival radio to my list this time, so I more or less did every part of radio comm on my own. I am feeling much more confident these days. The easy part is when I pretty much know what ATC will say, the issue comes when they throw curveballs.
Landing was interesting, as I felt the wind trying to throw me off of final. I managed to get into a decent crab with a pretty good glide path. A bit before touchdown, we began coming in a bit short, so my instructor took over and finished up.
Another great day to fly. Wind was pretty rough on the way up, but I really do enjoy fighting it for some reason. Its satisfying when I get everything trimmed right, even though the wind is trying to blow me away.
Next time is learning about engine failures, so that should be cool. Until next time, happy flying!