Did you rule out the possibility that he might think there are better ways to save money than closing all class D towers?
I don't rule it out, but I don't have that information, and I would be saddened if there were obvious internal cuts available which our FAA bureaucrats lack the will to make. But that's not what everyone is asking for. They're asking to keep their towers "despite all".
I don't see why being willing to take our licks with the rest of the country is short-sighted.
In fact, I would think that GA should be quietly willing to take more than our share of licks, and staying well out of the limelight on this one -- rather than complaining about having to take ANY federal dollar cutbacks.
I'd hate to defend this viewpoint against someone who is losing something important -- healthcare, food, shelter, whatever. What a priceless ass I'd look, trying to save my control towers vs. something that might actually matter to someone's well-being and welfare.
I can only imagine the pained howls of the populace if they were to learn that little airports nationwide receive many millions of dollars for improvement from the FAA. Imagine explaining to Joe Sixpack that a tower costs 7 figures per year to operate, and might only have a few thousand ops per year. I can't even justify it to my pilot friends. Oh, but Joe Sixpack, please pay an extra $10 copay for your meds, or an extra $150/mo in insurance premium. That argument loses.
I don't think it's hard to find cuts in places I'd prefer were taken -- but I understood sequestration to basically level cuts across the board at some fixed percentage rate. It makes sense to me. If I hate wars, I know that they're getting a haircut just like the things I don't hate. I understand it's now getting twisted by politics like everything does.. I think each example of trying to oil out of the needed cuts is a weakness of will on the part of the people and the politicians -- including this tower thing.
I like control towers. I don't like being a complainer, or associated with a group of complainers while I mount my 100k airplane, fly around at 14mpg for either no purpose at all, or to conduct travel which is only novel in its inefficiency and required use of skills I possess -- and then expect to not take my due lumps in a down economy while others are tightening an already-tight belt and making more dire sacrifices than I am. It feels churlish. Have I worked hard to earn the right to fly? Sure. I've also been fortunate in my opportunities, station, and all sorts of ingredients -- some of which were from the government, either better or worse. Control towers seem a really bad place to show my ingratitude. Restrict my access to TRACON or other serious safety concern, and yes, I'll beg for a way to contribute more money or I'll probably stop flying -- but sleepy class D towers? Yeah, have em back.
If it helps, I would happily have voted "Reduce the salaries and benefits of all FAA employees by 10%" in lieu of tower closure. I have neither heard anything like that advanced as a possibility, nor did it appear in the poll selections.
- Mike