Touring FlightAware on 3/18... Any Questions?


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Apr 11, 2007
Houston, TX
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PJ Gustafson
Hey Everyone,

I'm going to be going on a tour of the FlightAware facility here in Houston on March 18, and I'll most likely have the opportunity to ask some questions. Right now, I plan on asking them why VFR flights on Flight Following do not appear on the tracker and why many flights seem to have been "dropped" while en-route recently. Do you all have any burning questions for FlightAware?
it seems that they only get a feed from Center radar. when im flying in Des Moines radar area it doesnt show up on flight aware. Ive always wondered whats up with that
it seems that they only get a feed from Center radar. when im flying in Des Moines radar area it doesnt show up on flight aware. Ive always wondered whats up with that


Yeah I was wondering that too, and I echo the VFR question. seemed to track VFR flight following flights, last I used it in 2006; it's been awhile. But I didn't use it much for that purpose so I don't know if it just happened that my VFR flight was on there or everyone's VFR flights (w/ flight following).

Couple weeks ago when I took the Seminole to MSN, I was on VFR FF from start to finish... got my transponder code while taxiing. That flight showed up on Flight Aware but with no green line drawn. It did have the times though. Why no radar track then? And why my VFR flight and not so many others?
Ask them why their flight tracks often stop before destination even when IFR is not cancelled.
Ask them why their flight tracks often stop before destination even when IFR is not cancelled.

They pretty much always do, I think that's because ATC closes your flight plan when they clear you for the approach.
And why my VFR flight and not so many others?

Because you were in a "real airplane", and not these frightening little single engine jobs that the rest of us have to fly! :D
(Often without actually filing a flight plan :hairraise:)
They pretty much always do, I think that's because ATC closes your flight plan when they clear you for the approach.
ATC doesn't close your IFR flight plan when you are cleared for the approach unless you ask them to do so. What happens if you miss? I was curious so I went and looked for a flight where I know we missed and diverted to another destination. It shows the whole thing, amazingly. I didn't think radar was that good in that location.


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ATC doesn't close your IFR flight plan when you are cleared for the approach unless you ask them to do so. What happens if you miss? I was curious so I went and looked for a flight where I know we missed and diverted to another destination. It shows the whole thing, amazingly. I didn't think radar was that good in that location.
But then you get tracks like these

I shot the approach at KMWC, went missed and returned to 06C. The return flight was actually listed under a different record. So it seems that perhaps the flight plan was closed and reopened.

This is the path of the return flight

I think the answer is here.

flight aware said:
That's an issue with flights being marked as arrived when they're handed off from center to the local approach controller. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about those.

Only problem is I went from Chi-App to MKE approach, no center involvement. But I think it is probably close to what was happening and is why when I went missed and asked to just head back to 06C they had to enter a new flight plan.
it seems that they only get a feed from Center radar. when im flying in Des Moines radar area it doesnt show up on flight aware. Ive always wondered whats up with that

It most likely depends on what type of radar system complex is installed out in Des Moines. If you can find out, that might help. All of the ASR-9 and ASR-11 systems at LGA, EWR, and HPN seem to integrate just fine with FlightAware. The older ASR-7 systems may not, however.

The problem with aircraft under VFR flight following not showing up is likely because most facilities use VFR beacon code banks which are assigned to each individual facility and/or associated facilities. The FAA may not provide data for aircraft squawking those discrete, yet VFR-bank codes to FlightAware. Passur, on the other hand, receives different FAA data which allows their software to display any IFR aircraft as well as VFR aircraft being tracked by a controller. The algorithms they use for HPN even pulls the assigned arrival runway from the datablock scratchpad for each aircraft.

Hopefully the guys at FlightAware will have a more technically-based answer. Any idea who's taking you on the tour? I've really only dealt with Daniel there, but he seems like a flight tracking genius.

Looking forward to seeing you post the answers to all of our questions.
No idea... the tour was organized by the local WAI chapter here.
Hey Everyone,

I'm going to be going on a tour of the FlightAware facility here in Houston on March 18, and I'll most likely have the opportunity to ask some questions. Right now, I plan on asking them why VFR flights on Flight Following do not appear on the tracker and why many flights seem to have been "dropped" while en-route recently. Do you all have any burning questions for FlightAware?

What time are you going in?
I flew VFR one night from Waterloo, IA to Des Moines to North Platte, NE and back to Waterloo. The track from ALO to DSM and DSM to LBF show up on flight aware. From ALO to DSM I was only with tracons, but from DSM to LBF I had center flight following. I also had center flight following on the way back from LBF to ALO, but it doesn't show up. Seems quite random to me regarding which VFR flights show up. Also, the line from DSM to LBF stopped maybe 75 miles before the airport, well before I descended or canceled flight following.
The problem with aircraft under VFR flight following not showing up is likely because most facilities use VFR beacon code banks which are assigned to each individual facility and/or associated facilities. The FAA may not provide data for aircraft squawking those discrete, yet VFR-bank codes to FlightAware. Passur, on the other hand, receives different FAA data which allows their software to display any IFR aircraft as well as VFR aircraft being tracked by a controller. The algorithms they use for HPN even pulls the assigned arrival runway from the datablock scratchpad for each aircraft.
Minor correction -

Tracons do have VFR codes available for VFR FF and those might not show up on flightaware. The main reason that they have those code ranges is so that they can get a code right away without having to get it from the Center computer (which has a bit of a delay - like 10 -15 seconds).

However, most of the time when you're going to be leaving a given Tracon's airspace, they will request a discrete code from Center. Those codes aren't VFR only, and could just as well be assigned to an IFR flight.

I may be remembering wrong but it seems like I used to be able to track a flight live (i.e. the screen showed flight progress without me doing anything). Now, I get a static snap shot and have to keep refreshing. Has a setting changed on me or am I remembering it wrong?
Minor correction -

Tracons do have VFR codes available for VFR FF and those might not show up on flightaware. The main reason that they have those code ranges is so that they can get a code right away without having to get it from the Center computer (which has a bit of a delay - like 10 -15 seconds).

However, most of the time when you're going to be leaving a given Tracon's airspace, they will request a discrete code from Center. Those codes aren't VFR only, and could just as well be assigned to an IFR flight.


Yup, but sometimes those codes assigned from the Center host computer still don't show up on FlightAware for VFR FF aircraft. For example, I wanted to shoot a few practice approaches at a nearby airport on Sunday, so I called clearance for a squawk and departure frequency. The controller gave me a 4210 beacon code which is not within the N90 LGA area VFR code bank (0201-0277) which went through the ZNY host computer; however, it didn't show up on FA.

It could very well have to do with the flight plan structure, and since VFR flight plans are completely independent of ATC, most VFR FF does not show up. IFR, on the other hand, have a definite flight plan that goes through the center host computer. In any event, I'm looking forward to hearing the answer from the FA folks.
What is their revenue model? Are they solely using ad-based revenue, or do they have some pay-for-service features? (aka, "how long will it continue to be free", as someone else asked).
What time are you going in?

I believe we're meeting at 7:00pm CST for a 7:30 tour. I don't have the email in front of me.

What is their revenue model? Are they solely using ad-based revenue, or do they have some pay-for-service features? (aka, "how long will it continue to be free", as someone else asked).

Good question, one I'll be sure to ask!
ATC doesn't close your IFR flight plan when you are cleared for the approach unless you ask them to do so. What happens if you miss?

That's what I thought too, until a controller told me otherwise (might have even been here...) I had the exact same question you did! I guess they put in a new flight plan if you miss and the original one was closed.

However, looking at both Scott's and your flights, it appears that it's not a sure thing either way! :dunno:
That's what I thought too, until a controller told me otherwise (might have even been here...) I had the exact same question you did! I guess they put in a new flight plan if you miss and the original one was closed.
The AIM says this, which is what I was going by:
5-1-14. Canceling IFR Flight Plan
e. If operating on an IFR flight plan to an airport with a functioning control tower, the flight plan is automatically closed upon landing.
f. If operating on an IFR flight plan to an airport where there is no functioning control tower, the pilot must initiate cancellation of the IFR flight plan. This can be done after landing if there is a functioning FSS or other means of direct communications with ATC. In the event there is no FSS and/or air/ground communications with ATC is not possible below a certain altitude, the pilot should, weather conditions permitting, cancel the IFR flight plan while still airborne and able to communicate with ATC by radio. This will not only save the time and expense of canceling the flight plan by telephone but will quickly release the airspace for use by other aircraft.
Maybe the controller was talking about some internal procedure of which we have no knowledge.
This is the path of the return flight


I don't know if anyone noticed, but on this return flight you can see I was starting to be turned away from my destination, 06C. There was a reason for this. 06C has no instrument approach so what Chi-App was going to do was let me shoot the ILS into DPA, once I broke out I could cancel IFR and then go VFR to 06C.
You'll have to email Yasmina Soria, (I'm putting her address here instead of a PM because it is published on the event). When I asked her if Ric could come, she said that there was plenty of room left on the tour. I'd love to see you there and meet another POA'er!
Awesome! Did you get the email with the instructions? If not, PM me with your email address and I'll forward it to you.
Have fun guys, take pictures if they'll let you, so we can see the "inside story". Looking forward to your report and hopefully the answers to some of the questions asked.
Okay everyone, here's "the scoop":

The founder is named Daniel Baker, and he's a pretty young guy. I'd say mid to late twenties, if I had to guess. They currently have about 12 employees, and they have their main headquarters here in Houston, with an office in NYC for ad sales. They have about 250,000 registered users, and they get about 6 million requests for flight tracks per day. Every flight that they get from their FAA data feed gets archived, and they have about 60 million flights archived.

Back in 2004, Daniel was looking for a free flight tracker on the internet, and couldn't find one. He saw that the technology existed from seeing the pay service that some FBO's had, but there wasn't anything free. So he, being a web developer and having some web developer friends, set out to develop a tracking site for himself. He called up the FAA to see if they would give him the data feed for free, and they wouldn't. But they did give him a list of subscribers, so he started calling down the list until he found a company that would give him access to their feed for free. He and his friends started out and made a basic site that they put up in March of 2005.

They tried to keep it a secret at first, through the first couple of revisions, but then of course, being on the internet, the secret eventually got out and it became an overnight success. There was a story on CNN and several local stations and they suddenly saw a couple hundred thousand hits. Seeing this, they decided that they better ramp up their power and bandwidth, so they sunk some of their own money into it and got set up with Google Ads for some kind of revenue stream (however small). They then got approached by Boeing, who needed an independent third party to verify the radar tracks they were getting with their new AWACS. Then calls started pouring in with offers to pay them for doing a whole slew of custom queries and reports on their data.

All this time they were doing this on the side, after they finished a full day of work at their regular jobs, and they were up at the data center until 3am some nights before getting up the next morning to go back to their paying jobs. They finally came to the realization that this could be their actual job, so then they formed it into a real company. So now, in addition to the free flight tracking service, they offer some other free services:

-Weather information (they are currently a legal pre-flight briefing site for Part 91 ops - they expect the FAA to certify them for Part 121 and Part 135 ops in the next couple of weeks)
-Airport information (including FBO info and fuel prices)

Also, their pay services include entire fleet tracking solutions for FBO's, charter operations, and other air carriers, data mining and reporting, and consulting. He told us a story of how a large nationwide charter operation contracted with them to review all of the flights for the past couple of years and provided them with the purpose for each flight. They found that there were several repositioning flights that didn't need to have taken place, as there was already another available aircraft at a closer airport, and that there were several flights that the charter company didn't even know about. So it helped this company improve their dispatch service and save a boat-load of money in the process.

So, here are the answers to your (and my) questions:

Right now, I plan on asking them why VFR flights on Flight Following do not appear on the tracker and why many flights seem to have been "dropped" while en-route recently.

He said that they are limited by the info that they get from the FAA. A lot of the TRACON radar systems do not feed info into the national system unless it's an IFR flight that's going to be transitioning to Center. It has to do with the transponder codes too. Also, when an IFR flight plan is filed, the FAA will send over all of the info about that flight, including routing, equipment type, altitude, airspeed, etc. VFR Flight following does not do this. Basically, he said that he puts everything he gets from the FAA on the site, so if the FAA data is spotty and inconsistent WRT VFR flights, that's what will be on the site.

it seems that they only get a feed from Center radar. when im flying in Des Moines radar area it doesnt show up on flight aware. Ive always wondered whats up with that

That's pretty much correct - if you're on a local radar, that doesn't feed into the national system unless you're going to be moved into Center. His feed comes from the national system. He said that part of the problem is that it was never designed to facilitate a nationwide view like this... it was designed to keep plane A from running into plane B or terrain in the next 4 seconds.


Yeah I was wondering that too, and I echo the VFR question. seemed to track VFR flight following flights, last I used it in 2006; it's been awhile. But I didn't use it much for that purpose so I don't know if it just happened that my VFR flight was on there or everyone's VFR flights (w/ flight following).

Couple weeks ago when I took the Seminole to MSN, I was on VFR FF from start to finish... got my transponder code while taxiing. That flight showed up on Flight Aware but with no green line drawn. It did have the times though. Why no radar track then? And why my VFR flight and not so many others?

Once again, it's the data from the FAA... they may have sent basic info about your flight over, but being a VFR, the FAA never updated your radar position.

Ask them why their flight tracks often stop before destination even when IFR is not cancelled.

Sometimes when you're switched to a local radar controller near your destination, that radar position is not updated to the national system, thus it isn't updated on FA.

Ask them when they plan to start charging us for this service.

Never. His whole model is based on providing it and all of the other free information for free.

I may be remembering wrong but it seems like I used to be able to track a flight live (i.e. the screen showed flight progress without me doing anything). Now, I get a static snap shot and have to keep refreshing. Has a setting changed on me or am I remembering it wrong?

He said that right now they're on a 5 minute delay from the feed, and the screen refreshes every 30 seconds or one minute when you're looking at it. He said that they have the option to do a live feed from the FAA, but there is too much liability and other safeguards that they'd have to do on their end with that, so they take the 5 monute delay. He said that his customers, even the ones that pay him, are fine with that.

Yup, but sometimes those codes assigned from the Center host computer still don't show up on FlightAware for VFR FF aircraft. For example, I wanted to shoot a few practice approaches at a nearby airport on Sunday, so I called clearance for a squawk and departure frequency. The controller gave me a 4210 beacon code which is not within the N90 LGA area VFR code bank (0201-0277) which went through the ZNY host computer; however, it didn't show up on FA.

It could very well have to do with the flight plan structure, and since VFR flight plans are completely independent of ATC, most VFR FF does not show up. IFR, on the other hand, have a definite flight plan that goes through the center host computer. In any event, I'm looking forward to hearing the answer from the FA folks.

Right, it's the VFR FP structure, and the lack of updates from the FAA of VFR radar positions.

What is their revenue model? Are they solely using ad-based revenue, or do they have some pay-for-service features? (aka, "how long will it continue to be free", as someone else asked).

About 50% of their revenue comes from ads. They've moved away from the Google Ads (since they give you the money 30 days after the ad hits your page) and now sell advertising to aviation-related companies. In addition to that, they sell a lot of usage reports to airports, aviation companies, and even the FAA. They sell advanced tracking solutions and consulting services to corporate flight departments, charter companies, and other air carriers. They will be selling the Part 121 weather info soon, and they also still get contracted to do special projects for various companies. Basically, what is free now will stay free.

Now, before I go to bed, here's the cool tip of the day. They have a section on there (under Resources) where you can enter a departure and destination airport, and it will come back with a list of aircraft that have flown between those airports that day, along with their ASSIGNED (not filed) route. So, you can go on there and find out what routes people are being assigned (by altitude) so you now what to file. I'll even do you one better... you can set up an Alert on your Tail # for when a flight plan is filed. You then go on to DUATS and file Direct, then when the FP hits the system, you'll be sent a text message with your assigned route so that you already have your clearance. You can just verify it when the Clearance Delivery controller reads it to you.

If you all have any follow-up questions, I'll be glad to answer them tomorrow. For now, good night everyone!

Oh, BTW, I was able to meet Brandon tonight (bqmassey). He might be able to fill in some gaps I may have left out. No pics, because we just saw their lobby and conference room, which just showed a screen of flights being tracked... nothing you can't see on the web site.
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Great write up, thanks very much! That's really quite the story, and not at all what I would have expected; very very interesting.
My pleasure... I like hearing stories like that, and I wonder to myself, "Why didn't I think of something that people would just suddenly come out of the woodwork begging to give me money for?" Oh well, even better for him.

WRT the airport info services, I actually like his site format better than airnav. When someone asked him what made his site better than Airnav, for example, he explained that aside from their cluttered display format, they charge for everything on the page. So, the only FBO's listed are the ones that paid to be listed, they pay for their position on the list, they pay for each logo on the page, and they pay to have their fuel prices listed and updated. On his site, every FBO is listed for free, including their fuel prices. The order is based on who updated their fuel prices the most recently. He has a mechanism in place for the FBO to update the fuel prices themselves, but if they go a week without updating, one of his guys will call the FBO to get the updated price.

He also has all of the IAP charts available in .pdf format, but instead of choosing each individual one and downloading them, then opening each and printing it (which is still an option), you also have the option of clicking a link for "All Approach Plates", or "All DP's", or "All Procedures". This will create a larger .pdf with all of the procedures in it, so you just have to download and print one thing. It's great, they do all of these extra things that I had no idea about!
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Oh, BTW... I'd love to hear an interview with Daniel on The Pilot's Flight Podlog (he is a CMEL) or The Pilotcast sometime... hint, hint!
Now, before I go to bed, here's the cool tip of the day. They have a section on there (under Resources) where you can enter a departure and destination airport, and it will come back with a list of aircraft that have flown between those airports that day, along with their ASSIGNED (not filed) route. So, you can go on there and find out what routes people are being assigned (by altitude) so you now what to file. I'll even do you one better... you can set up an Alert on your Tail # for when a flight plan is filed. You then go on to DUATS and file Direct, then when the FP hits the system, you'll be sent a text message with your assigned route so that you already have your clearance. You can just verify it when the Clearance Delivery controller reads it to you.

Great write-up, thanks for all of the information, PJ!

The above 'tip' can also be completed at or as well. It's very helpful and I usually just check about 30-45 minutes prior to the filed schedule time of departure to copy my assigned routing from the Center Host computer.

Thanks again.