Totally random trivia…


Follow-up questions:

In the 'Death Zone' at the top of Mount Everest, what percentage of the air is oxygen?

When flying at FL600, what percentage of the outside air is oxygen?
Not currently a correct answer, but until 1980 or so, I-80 split in Salt Lake City, with I-80 going to San Francisco, and I-80N going to Portland.

I remember this bit of trivia because one summer when making my annual cross-country drive home from college, I got really lost in Salt Lake City. Couldn't find the split or even any signage for I-80N to save my life. I finally had to stop and ask (oh the horror!) for directions. Was told it had been renumbered since I last drove the route the previous fall. I needed I-84 to get home.
There were a lot more instances like that in the early days. I-270 in MD used to be I-70S too for example.
Since it is election season (you may not have noticed).

The first President of the United States?

John Hanson
Rosie Parks was not the first person in Montgomery to be arrested for refusing to give up their seat to a white person.
A 15 year-old girl did it nine months before.
Since it is election season (you may not have noticed).

The first President of the United States?

John Hanson

He was the President of the Confederation Congress which should not be confused with the office of President of the United States as established by the Constitution.

My American history teach in HS was a Yale grade... me a few others would spend hours trying to some some insignificant fact of history to stump him - we never did.

This kind of like William and Mary College and Harvard.. who was the first college established in the United States? Neither.....