Took a tower tour today


Cleared for Takeoff
May 3, 2009
Round Rock, TX
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A friend of mine and I had been talking about going to visit the KLBB tower for awhile now. So yesterday I got the phone number and we called and scheduled a tour for today at 7. Very interesting to see the other side.
Now you know what goes on when your in the air. Puts a differant prespective on it don't it.
Dave G.
Good for you Bigred. I think it's something more students should have the opportunity to do. It gives you a different perspective and you learn that the folks on the other side of the mic are people too. :)
I really enjoyed visiting the Anderson FSS back in 2005. Dunno how tours go now...
I really does put a different perspective on it. I knew that the level of communication throughout the country was way up there but I had no idea how massive it was. Very cool stuff.