Taxi to Parking
"Runway closed" is not a "suggestion", it's a statement of fact. If you are aware of facts which tell you something is hazardous but you do it anyway, you are being "reckless" by any legal standard you can find.
It's hard to imagine a pilot successfully arguing there is no "potential endangerment" in landing on a closed runway at night.
Unless the pilot has talked to airport management, determined that the NOTAM was there due to something specific to jets, changed something operationally to remove the hazard...
I have taken off from a runway that was closed due to personnel and equipment working on it. I taxied down the full length of the runway to check for people, equipment, and any FOD they might have left behind, and then took off. The other runway had a direct crosswind of about 28G35. Which would have been more careless and reckless?