getting clearance
runup complete
taking the active
cleared for departure
I like this idea - and I like it even more than the current scheme, because it really does represent a posting and flying analogy w/o making a personal statement about your own skill level.
Now - here's the decision I've come to...
I will change the titles one more time to something along this model. However, I am not, at this time, going to give the ability to change your own title to the general user base.
The reason being, there are certain features that this software supports that I have turned off for now - but as we continue to grow, and as our costs go up, I plan to enable those features as special thank-yous to users who choose to contribute to the operation of this forum We won't take any existing features
away from any existing users - everything you can do now you will still be able to do.
Oh, and before anyone asks, I'm not taking about anytime soon. We don't have the growth rate or activity level
yet to drive our server requirements (and thus our costs) up any higher.
Now that we have the new logo, however, we do plan to start doing more promoting of our site, like with flyers at airports and small ads, things like that.