Thread about actual beer

I don't have much to add, here. Just to say that I do like actual beer. So I like this thread. So thanks, Eman for recommending it and thanks Sac for creating it.

Beer can be as controversial as high-wing (wrong) vs. low wing (correct) or track-up (wrong) vs. north-up (correct).... so this should be interesting... :D
So thanks, Eman for recommending it and thanks Sac for creating it.

It’s been proven (or never been disproven) that this is the same guy pretending to be 2 other guys, until we can see them both in the same place at the same time. Even then, how do we know for sure? :p:D
Alcohol, the cause of, and the solution to life's problems..... Homer.

Hopefully this will be about real beer and not that home made rooty tooty fresh and fruity 3.2 beer that is over hopped and stream lined for ease of making, not flavor type beer.

Give me beer that will grow hair on places not designed to grow hair instead of the hold your pinkie finger out while sipping type beer.
I don't drink beer, I like to drink Zomething Different
I don't think Zima is still made, is it?

I usually don't drink beer, but when I do...


And this stuff is the gold standard in SE Asia. And an honest 5%. I drink it when I'm over there because beer is cheap, wine and liquor isn't, and I'm cheap.
high-wing (wrong) vs. low wing (correct) or track-up (wrong) vs. north-up (correct)..
We're going to get along just fine:D

I like most beer, although the closer it gets to water, the less I like it. Bud light is about the line for what I'll pass on. I like Yeungling for the cheap/light/refreshing category.
I don't have much to add, here. Just to say that I do like actual beer. So I like this thread. So thanks, Eman for recommending it and thanks Sac for creating it.

Beer can be as controversial as high-wing (wrong) vs. low wing (correct) or track-up (wrong) vs. north-up (correct).... so this should be interesting... :D
I take it that you are a Bud Light drinker from your other preferences.
track-up (wrong) vs. north-up (correct)....

Whenever someone tries to make that statement, I refer to the quote on Jack Sparrow's compass:

"Aye, the compass doesn't point north - but we aren't trying to find north, are we?"
I drink southeast asian beer, but if you're looking to fill my hangar beer fridge, it typically holds guinness, killians and yuengling.
Jack Sparrow's compass

Only because his ship didn't have a navigator with the ability to switch to track-up. Not even a basic 430. Sheesh.
Favorite style that is hard to find? Nice English Nut Brown Ale.
Style that is an abomination? Milkshake IPA.
Two of my recent favorites:

Bells Black Note stout, out of production, the owner was able to find an aged keg somewhere. It lives up to the hype, this is one good smooth stout!
Prairie Artesian Ales Bomb! stout, this one is flat out fantastic! It's a 13% ABV, but with no booziness or alcohol aftertaste, so smooth, just chocolatey coffee goodness! If you can find this on tap, get it!
Favorite style that is hard to find? Nice English Nut Brown Ale.
Style that is an abomination? Milkshake IPA.

I am assuming that the latter does not bring all the boys to the yard?
hhhmm. lemme see what I can do. possible attendees:

anyone but skydog
I made that Al Mooney joke one to many times, didn't I? :(