Thought for the day

Reading is for losers anyway. Just watch TV and let the TiVo remember where you left off...
Why subscribe to Tivo when a Windows Media Center Edition will do the job for free? :)

Besides, if you can make it through a CFI initial without ever reading a single sentence... you ain't human!
Recipe: a series of step-by-step instructions for preparing ingtedients you forgot to buy, in utensils you don't own, to make a dish the dog won't eat.
You are never more than 30 seconds away

from being completely naked.

I disagree with this one. It may be true for most guys but in some outfits I'd be hard pressed to even be cut out of it in 30 seconds. :rolleyes:
I disagree with this one. It may be true for most guys but in some outfits I'd be hard pressed to even be cut out of it in 30 seconds. :rolleyes:
I thought this is why the likes of Budweiser was produced? WD-40 for clothing?
I thought this is why the likes of Budweiser was produced? WD-40 for clothing?

I said some outfits. When the likes of budwiser is being consumed you ususally find the outfits to be conducive to being totally naked in 10 seconds, undergarments optional. :P

Not that I EVER consume Bud, yech... I perfer beer in which the taste can not be compared to the taste of sewer water.
I disagree with this one. It may be true for most guys but in some outfits I'd be hard pressed to even be cut out of it in 30 seconds. :rolleyes:
Missa--- I can tell you have never seen me at work with my EMT scissors :yes: Bob
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Missa--- I can tell you have never seen me at work with my EMT siccors. :yes: Bob

How fast can they cut through a Brides maid's dress with all the crinlions and one of those strapless corsset things with all the boning and underwires. Then when you get through all that there's the panty hose before the girl is truely naked. I'd say you could do it fairly fast and I may give you 60 - 90 seconds... but 30 seconds is pushing it. It would be even toughter if you were outside in the winter with an overcoat on. The only way it could happen that fast is with a nucluar blast... then you wouldn't really have any flesh left to be naked in....

Now if you really want a 30 second challenge how about one of the civil war re-enactors in full era garb including a hoop skirt.

You are never more than 30 seconds away
ATGATT + regular clothes under it takes longer. The helmet alone takes about 6 seconds.

Thought for the day:
The Adventure doesn't really begin until things stop going as planned.
ATGATT + regular clothes under it takes longer. The helmet alone takes about 6 seconds.
What is ATGATT?

is it this stuff
Missa said:
a Brides maid's dress with all the crinlions and one of those strapless corsset things with all the boning and underwires. Then when you get through all that there's the panty hose
No no....see - you don't have to cut the entire dress off!! 30 seconds, I could get enough of the dress off to matter.

Now if you really want a 30 second challenge how about one of the civil war re-enactors in full era garb including a hoop skirt.


A LOT of fabric involved there. Back when we were active in Civil War target shooting my wife would make ball gowns and the like for competitions. Start out with a period picture, make her own patterns and go nuts. All the layers. All the accessories. I can tell you from first hand experience, that stuff doesn't go on or come off in a hurry. She needed help getting dressed and undressed. Not something she could do on her own.
No no....see - you don't have to cut the entire dress off!! 30 seconds, I could get enough of the dress off to matter.


Yea... & with easy access pany(less)hose you really don't need to take anything off at all for that matter. But the quote was you are never more then 30 seconds from being naked, not you are never more the 30 seconds from being naked enough to matter. :rolleyes:
How fast can they cut through a Brides maid's dress with all the crinlions and one of those strapless corsset things with all the boning and underwires. Then when you get through all that there's the panty hose before the girl is truely naked. I'd say you could do it fairly fast and I may give you 60 - 90 seconds... but 30 seconds is pushing it. It would be even toughter if you were outside in the winter with an overcoat on. The only way it could happen that fast is with a nucluar blast... then you wouldn't really have any flesh left to be naked in....

Now if you really want a 30 second challenge how about one of the civil war re-enactors in full era garb including a hoop skirt.

I was thinking more like a tank top and shorts, I didn't know we were talking about all of these layers. Bob
Um... with a pair of EMT shears and a sharp trauma hook (think of an oversized seatbelt cutter hook, but with a blade that will cut metal too) I think I could get Missa out of AGATT (or anything else) in 30 seconds, although it might be tough on her ankles gutting the boots off.

But frankly, it's so much more fun to persuade a partner to take their own clothes off, or at least to help.
You are never more than 30 seconds away

from being completely naked.

I was thinking more like a tank top and shorts, I didn't know we were talking about all of these layers. Bob

Scott said never more then 30 seconds.... In every day clothes I'm sure it's 30 seconds. In full formal dress clothes or ATGAT... it would be a little longer. B)
Um... with a pair of EMT shears and a sharp trauma hook (think of an oversized seatbelt cutter hook, but with a blade that will cut metal too) I think I could get Missa out of AGATT (or anything else) in 30 seconds, although it might be tough on her ankles gutting the boots off.

But frankly, it's so much more fun to persuade a partner to take their own clothes off, or at least to help.

I'm not sure I like how this conversation has turned.... B)
Scott said never more then 30 seconds.... In every day clothes I'm sure it's 30 seconds. In full formal dress clothes or ATGAT... it would be a little longer. B)
Scott never said the clothing had to survive...