This is so ... BAD!!!


Filing Flight Plan
Apr 11, 2005
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I .... can't .... stop .... thinking ..... about .... the .....


I am serious. This is bad. Really bad. I am obsessed again.

I have to confess that my aviation apetite has waned a little lately ... due to weather, plane mulfunctions and just overall frustration ...

... but now I am excited again ... that kind of butterfly in you stomach, can't sleep at night type of excitement.

It's like I found a purpose for my life when I started flying .. then it went down a little ... and now it's a raging fire in my head, again.


I feel the same way as when I discovered avaition 2 years ago. I didn't even think it existed or it was any good until I got into it.

Then I got into it.

Now I am feeling the same way for this Aerobatic stuff ... I can't stop thinking about it. I can't get it out of my head.

I discovered something that I can do ... and that is so much fun I feel my head is going to explode.

I am afraid I need to pursue this. I will not rest until I get to fly at competitions. I know that. I know me. I can't settle down. I want more, I want it more difficult, more challenging, more complex. I can't settle for one simple thing and stick to it.

Oh yeah ... I am still scared of rollercoasters and I have panick attacks on airliners. I find myself ridiculous sometimes.
Sad, sad puppy. He be hooked baaaddd. How much will ya wager his next move is a CITABRIA?
Marco, beware, you are going to be miserable and ecstatic all the time now.
bbchien said:
Sad, sad puppy. He be hooked baaaddd. How much will ya wager his next move is a CITABRIA?

Too bad Marco is in NJ and I'm in TN. My Citabira instructor and his two partners each threw $2500 into a hat, and their monthly is <$200 each, including having the engine rebuilt by G&N, complete firewall forward, and hanger.

Maybe we need a "Partners" forum, for folks to post locations and wants, see if we can get like minds together?
Marco said:
I .... can't .... stop .... thinking ..... about .... the .....


I have the cure for you. Contact BruceAir or myself to schedule a ride. You won't be thinking about the Pitts anymore.


I too feel the same way that Marco does. Also I like Bill's idea about getting the partners forum. Anyone in the central valley of CA interested in a citabria or a decathlon? I could use a partner
gonvrtd said:
I too feel the same way that Marco does. Also I like Bill's idea about getting the partners forum. Anyone in the central valley of CA interested in a citabria or a decathlon? I could use a partner

Where exactly in that looooong valley? I'm out of PRB or SBP. Citabria = serious fun!
gibbons said:

I have the cure for you. Contact BruceAir or myself to schedule a ride. You won't be thinking about the Pitts anymore.



Uhhhhh, hey Chip, you know that Gastons thing in June? (hint hint)

I haven't seriously looked into a partnership for the pitts .. yet.

I am already in a parternship for a Cherokee 180 .. .which I like but now it doesnt' cut it anymore. So I would have to get out of that one and look for partners for a Pitts ...

This is somewhat down the road. I am sure that there's people with Pitts around here in NJ or looking for one or for partnership.

I already got an email from a guy that says that there's 3 Pitts at Monmouth ... which is less than an hour drive from my house. I am SO going there to check them out ...

In the meanwhile .... lessons! :D
gonvrtd said:
...Also I like Bill's idea about getting the partners forum. Anyone in the central valley of CA interested in a citabria or a decathlon? I could use a partner

Just a word of general caution. Be especially careful considering partners for an aerobatic airplane. More than ever you need to find someone who flies like you do (avoiding high speed snaps, exceeding Vne, etc), doesn't leave stuff in her/his pockets to fall into the floor, appreciates and can afford the maintenance, and on and on.

Partners in aerobatic airplanes make perfect financial sense (IMHO) because the airplanes don't generally get flown as much as x-country airplanes, so sharing the load is very appealing. But more than ever, aerobatic partnerships can be a two edged sword unless you're really, really sure about your partners.

gibbons said:
Partners in aerobatic airplanes make perfect financial sense (IMHO) because the airplanes don't generally get flown as much as x-country airplanes, so sharing the load is very appealing. But more than ever, aerobatic partnerships can be a two edged sword unless you're really, really sure about your partners.


Exactly what I was thinking, but I may still look at a Citabria for myself, just have to convince "the management". She wants a travel plane, but our flying club has two very well equipped travel planes ('99 Archer III and '00 206, both with moving map, stormscope, 55x autopilots, etc.) and an IFR Skyhawk.

I'm starting to think like Ken Ibold, buy the acro plane, rent the travellers when you need them.