This is interesting, anyone else seen it?

interesting. seems to mostly be a reassurance tool to keep people in the KC area buying airplane rides from them.
The New York Times might be interested in your use of their graphics, Roger.
It did make some good points about why the flight happened the way it did (no flight plan, no atc comms, etc). And it bears a similarity to many of the discussions I had with coworkers and passengers after the accident, just like the ones after JFKJr.

If you cut out the KC stuff it's not a bad explanation of the "prevailing wisdom", assuming the NTSB doesn't find any surprises.

A similar video focusing on the difference between the hudson tour and the east river might be very useful in keeping the hudson corridor open. It could be advertised to NYC residents, and help them to avoid panic when they see a little airplane out their window. AOPA should produce it.
I think someone here knows this CFI. A while back he was looking for old sectionals to use in his Classes and for a Diabetes fund raiser. I sent him a bunch from the east coast and he wrote me a nice thank you note. I thought the video was pretty good. Reasonable, calm no outrageous statements.
AdamZ said:
I think someone here knows this CFI. A while back he was looking for old sectionals to use in his Classes and for a Diabetes fund raiser. I sent him a bunch from the east coast and he wrote me a nice thank you note. I thought the video was pretty good. Reasonable, calm no outrageous statements.

I don't know him, he is on another forum and has some pretty good post. Seems to be well liked and respected in the KC area.
He said that private pilots were not trained to do turns beyond 45 degrees of bank, and the analysis of the track showed that a bank of 60+ degrees either occurred or was required.

Edit: NTSB update says 53 degrees of bank were required to make the turn they attempted. That's a significant bank for anyone. Sure, we commercial pilots demonstrate 60 degree banked turns but we never use them in normal flying. Even the Chandelle is more about the climb than the bank (30 degrees).

Seems to me that what was missing was an appreciation for the narrowness of the corridor (they were over the middle instead of on the far east side) and the judgement to recognize a heck of a turn would be required, and that maybe it would be better to bust the airspace in a climbing turn. But, as the saying goes, good judgement is the result of surviving bad judgement.
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Not bad could have done without the advertising, answered a couple of questions I had on the subject but only because I didnt follow all the hype and stories right after the accident happened.
HPNFlyGirl said:

bites tongue.

Actually, I sent some sectionals to this guy too. He's a good guy in my eyes. I watched the video for a while, but it stopped playing after it showed the picture of Corey Lidle. Hopefully it'll keep working soon, because I'd like to see the end.
I thought it was pretty well done. I wonder what Microsoft thinks about the use of their imagery in videos like this. A copyright violoation, but maybe they don't care? .... Nah! They always care.
write-stuff said:
I thought it was pretty well done. I wonder what Microsoft thinks about the use of their imagery in videos like this. A copyright violoation, but maybe they don't care? .... Nah! They always care.

I would think since you payed for the software and you are also advertising their software by using it they would be all for it.

But Microsoft also does some stupid **** sometimes so it wouldn't surprise me if they weren't.