Third Coast Formation Flight

Sometimes it's hard to just admit when you're wrong and it's natural to get defensive there little camper. I'm guilty of it myself on occasion. However, calling me a fool is stepping outside what little mind you have boy.

You're having a difficult time with reality vs you're lala land perception of it. But since you've got it all figured out, stop talking about it and send it on up the ladder. See what response you get, since you obviously need someone with a badge to set you straight. Nobody else telling you is obviously working. I'd do it in person for you, but we both know you wouldn't show.

Get a clue or get out.

Well, now.... I see the guy who draws on headsets but doesn't make them any better than one off the shelf can belittle quite well. Charges a pretty penny for them too.... I see pilots WILL spend money of worthless **** despite being terminally accused of being cheapskates all the time.

Not a very good way to'promote yourself on an open forum for all to see you are just " a boy" like the rest of " the little camper boys" :rolleyes: Internet tuff guy in full effect. Say now, you are the same guy who makes the BroScience you tubes are you?

maybe I should send it to the most anal retentive FSDO, at your request of course, and see what they think of your master piece. Would that make you feel better?
Really Jay?

The initial response was baiting, insulting and threatened the FAA? You read all of that in this?

Prolly not good to post a vid of busting VFR mins. Just sayin.

Seemed like simple sage advice to me. I don't see anything insulting, baiting or threatening...just a simple "hey, be careful with what you post on the internet."

And, really, Jay? Shane's initial response was laden with nothing but actual facts and humor?

Just enjoy the video so I don't have to bear slap you across the face with reality.

Seems like this is where the attitude developed and the insults started being hurled.

But I guess that's why this is the internet and not the bar...things get misinterpreted. But, considering all of Shane's previous insults and rants here, it's easy to interpret his posts as "in your face" insulting.

I'm not saying Unit74's observation was correct, just that he presented it objectively. Shane started the ****ing contest/chest beating. Even Unit74's second post wasn't insulting.

But, whatever, I'm outa here.

I actually saw it completely the opposite way you did.
My first three post were above board and accurate observations with zero notes of Asz-hattery even after "Shane" took a stab whilst I was looking left for traffic. But I was like, screw that, this dope needs a prop strike to realize what a tool he is.

I'll bet, like most, he is a different guy on the ramp. But on deez interwebz, his plumbers crack is worn on the front and slaved to the keyboard.
And I'm no psychology Ph.D., but I'd be willing to guess he was miffed that the first post on his thread was saying I thought he was busting the VFR mins. He was like, F-u dude. That **** is cool, but knows they were probably skirting the regs and didn't want to admit it.

Then again, it is possible I'm wrong. But the vid is pretty solid evidence in my book.